首先,我们照常来看看究竟什么是Humanities呢,根据牛津词典的英文注解,Humanities是the subjects of study that are concerned with the way people think and behave, for example literature, language, history and philosophy,即和人类思考及行为表现有关的学科,其中囊括了文学、语言、历史和哲学等等,甚至音乐、宗教也包括在这里面。
comedy /ˈkɑ:mədi/ n喜剧片
(考题47 lecture1 There's still a certain amount of restraint in a neoclassicalcomedy.)
tragedy /ˈtrædʒədi/ n悲剧片
documentary /ˌdɑ:kjuˈmentri/ n纪录片
feature film 故事片
Fiction /ˈfɪkʃn/ n科幻片
horror /ˈhɔ:rə(r); ˈhɑ:rə(r) / n恐怖片
cartoon / kɑ:rˈtu:n/ n卡通片
cast /kæst/ n全体演员
director /dəˈrektə(r); dɪˈrektə(r); daɪˈrektə(r)/ n导演
script /skrɪpt/ n电影剧本
theme song 主题曲
projector /prəˈdʒektə(r)/ n投影机
(考题22 lecture4 I think I read somewhere that they used music to drown out the sound of the film projectors?)
Shutter trigger 快门触发器
Image sensor 图像传感器
Shutter 快门
Camera body 机身
darkroom n暗房
exposure /ɪkˈspoʊ ʒə(r)/ n软片,底片,胶片;曝光时间
zoom in /zu:m/ 拉近
Blues n蓝调音乐,布鲁斯音乐(源于美国南部黑人,节奏感强、缓慢忧郁)
Funk /fʌŋk/ n乡土爵士乐
Jazz /dʒæz/ n爵士乐
Hip hop n嘻哈音乐
Rap /ræp/ n说唱
Rock n摇滚乐
Country /ˈkʌntri/ n乡村音乐
Folk /foʊk/n民间音乐
Classic /ˈklæsɪk/ n古典
Instrument /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ n乐器
考题34 passage2 Watt was employed at the time by the University of Glasgow as a skilled crafts worker making scientific instruments.)
Orchestra / ˈɔ:rkɪstrə/ n管弦乐队
(考题22 conversation2 But jazz was in its heyday back then, and when she got out of the conservatory, she was invited to join a jazz orchestra.)
Cello /ˈtʃeloʊ/ n大提琴
(考题5 conversation1 Everyone's into sports and I'm more artsy, you know, into music. I play the cello.)
Viola /viˈoʊlə/ n中提琴
Violin /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/ n小提琴
Harmonica /hɑ:rˈmɑ:nɪkə/ n口琴
Guitar /gɪˈtɑ:(r)/ n吉他
Flute /flu:t/ n长笛
Piano /piˈænoʊ/ n钢琴
Trumpet /ˈtrʌmpɪt/ n小号,喇叭
(考题34 lecture4 Along with Miles Davis on trumpet, there is Bill Evans on piano, John Coltrane on tenor saxophone...)
Chord /kɔ:rd/ n和弦
Concerto / kənˈtʃɜ:rtoʊ/ n协奏曲
Quality n音质
Volume /vɑ:lˈju:m; vɑ:ljəm/n音量 (volume up/down 加大/减小音量)
Beat n节奏
Melody n旋律
harmony /ˈhɑ:rməni/ n和声
symphony /ˈsɪmfəni/ n交响乐
Brush /brʌʃ/ n刷子,画笔
Canvas /ˈkænvəs/ n帆布画布,油布
(考题44 conversation2 I know he dripped paint onto the canvas instead of using abrush.)
Pigment /ˈpɪgmənt/ n颜料
(考题10 passage1 From the Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment)
Charcoal painting /ˈtʃɑ:rkoʊl/炭笔画
(考题3 lecture3 here's charcoal marks from their torches on the cave walls clearly dating from thousands of years after the paintings were made.)
Engraving /ɪnˈgreɪvɪŋ/ n版画,雕版印刷品
Landscape painting 风景画
Lithograph /ˈlɪθəgræf/ n石版画
Crayon /ˈkreɪən/ n蜡笔画
Watercolor 水彩
Portrait /ˈpɔ:rtrət/ n肖像画
(考题32 conversation2 They have a lot of miniature portraits of children as part of their permanent collection.)
Oil painting 油画
Fresco / ˈfreskoʊ/ n壁画
(考题26 lecture4 o far we have been talking all semester about restoring and preserving pieces of art,like ancient frescos , early oil paintings , etc.)
Gallery /ˈgæləri/ n画廊
Salon /səˈlɑ:n/ n沙龙
Sculpture /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ n雕塑
(考题47 passage1 It was lavishly furnished with imported sculptures and other Classical objects.)
Statue /ˈstætʃu:/ n雕像
Impressionism /ɪmˈpreʃənɪzəm/ n印象派(19 世纪下半叶兴起于法国的绘画风格,主要表现光与色的效果,不着眼于准确的细节)
Dadaism n达达主义(崇尚虚无主义的流派)
Ballet /ˈbæleɪ/ n芭蕾
Opera /ˈɑ:prə/ n戏剧
Choreograph /ˈkɔ:riəgræf/ v编舞
Libretto /lɪˈbretoʊ/ n(歌剧或音乐剧的)唱词,歌词
Soloist /ˈsoʊloʊɪst/ n独唱者,单独表演者
Choir /ˈkwaɪə(r)/ n唱诗班,合唱队,歌唱队
Composer /kəmˈpoʊzə(r)/ n创作者,作曲家
Conductor /kənˈdʌktə(r)/ n指挥
Theatre /ˈθi:ətər/ n剧院,戏院
Drama /ˈdrɑ:mə/ n戏剧文学,戏剧艺术
Audience /ˈɔ:diəns/ n观众,听众
Score /skɔ:(r)/ n总谱,配乐
Rehearse /rɪˈhɜ:rs/ v彩排,排演
Prelude /ˈprelju:d/ n序曲,前奏曲
Character /ˈkærəktə(r)/ n角色
Role /roʊl/ n角色
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.
I tend to believe that one’s job exerts influence on one’s happiness.In other words,whether you enjoy your job or not determines your happiness.Three reasons can be used to justify my opinion.
To begin with,a person’s happiness has something to do with(和…有关)his/her financial conditions and generally speaking,job decides a person’s economic conditions.So if you have a well-paid job,you are less likely to suffer from financial cares(财政忧虑).Although we are told that happiness has nothing to do with money,I still believe that without basic necessities,it is next to impossible for people to be really happy.Take many Chinese youngsters for example.A majority of young people aging from 18-30 are unhappy nowadays.The reason is simple:housing prices in nearly every city,large or small,are escalating(增长):ten years ago,100,000dollars could buy an apartment in Beijing.Now to buy the same apartment,you have to pay 500,000dollars.To rent a well-equipped apartment,you have to pay at least 500dollars,while the average salary in Beijing is 1000dollars.Rising housing prices,coupled with(和...一起)stagnant(停滞的)wages plague(困扰)youngsters and their parents.If those youngsters had a job which can bring them at least 50,000dollars a year,they would have the opportunity to rent or buy a decent apartment,therefore living a better life.
Second,happiness has a strong correlation with a sense of fulfillment(满足感).It is our job that produces most of our achievement.When we finish our work flawlessly(完美无瑕地),we are more likely to be happy,for the perfect work means a strong capacity that not everybody has.But messing up(把…弄糟)a work is definitely frustrating.It is true that social life can also have some impact on our happiness,but this effect is minimal and will not last for a long time.The reason is obvious:in our society,people evaluate a person by his/her ability to perform job-related tasks.A doctor will be excited with a complete recovery of his/her patient;a teacher feels perfect when his/her students achieve academic success.Nothing brings a person genuine(真正的)happiness than his/her job does.
Last but not least,it is your job that consumes much of your time.In this highly competitive modern society(高度竞争的现代社会),to maintain our competitive edge(保持竞争优势),we have to do our best.Spending 8 hours on one’s work is normal and most of us actually spend at least 10 hours on work on a daily basis(每天).If you love your work,then you are happy to get up early and enjoy the whole day,but if you hate your job,then the process would be a nightmare and you have to suffer.I consider myself happy because I choose my job and I enjoy the whole process.Even if I have to work overtime,I do not complain.But my sister is not so lucky.Despite the fact that her social life makes her happy,the happiness is transient(短暂的).When she goes back to work,she has to suffer.
From the discussion above,I firmly(坚定地)believe that a person’s happiness links with his/her job.A happy person is a person with a well-paid job,and at the same time,he/she does the job with passion and enthusiasm(热情).