Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility, and this starts with the government making people understand the importance of the environment. To a large degree, such responsibility should be shared by both the government and the local people.
(2)start with... 从......开始
(3)to a large degree 在很大程度上
It is quite obvious that all people should do their part in taking care of the local environment, but there are always some people more committed to their environmental obligations than others. One important reason is that those who do less harbor a misconception that individuals can do little or nothing to make a noticeable difference. In fact, all individuals have created the environmental problems by neglecting the environment, and that must mean that together they canfix most problems, whether they are making large or small contributions. Another reason is that, in the name of economic development, people pollute the local rivers and lakes by putting into them dirty water or industrial wastes.
(2)do their part 完成他们的职责
(3)be committed to... 投入做......,专心做......
(4)obligation 义务
(5)harbor a misconception that... 心怀一种错误的观点,即......
(6)fix problems 解决问题
(7)in the name of... 以......的名义
Then, apart from enforcing regulations and using penalties or fines as a means tohold individuals accountable for their damage to the environment, the government should do more to alert people to the way the environment is going, then people would be more likely to do their bit. If people are not reminded of the risks that affect their own local environment, they will often forget. Unless there is a particular crisis going on, it is always the case that the public will become immune to shocking statistics or terrible photos, for they have seen too many of them and tend to neglect them. It is, therefore, the job of the government to keepinforming the public (through television or other media) of the current environmental issues.
(2)apart from... 除了......
(3)hold somebody accountable for... 让某人为......承担责任
(4)alert somebody to... 提醒某人......
(5)do their bit 尽自己的责任
(6)be immune to... 对......免疫;不受......影响
(7)inform somebody of... 告知某人......
To a great extent, the responsibility for looking after the local environment must be shared by the government and individuals. The government should let the public know that environmental protection is everybody’s business. Otherwise, what seems to be everybody’s business would become nobody’s business.
(2)to a great extent 在很大程度上
(3)everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 大家的事情就是没人负责的事情。
Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility, and this starts with the government making people understand the importance of the environment. To a large degree, such responsibility should be shared by both the government and the local people.
It is quite obvious that all people should do their part in taking care of the local environment, but there are always some people more committed to their environmental obligations than others. One important reason is that those who do less harbor a misconception that individuals can do little or nothing to make a noticeable difference. In fact, all individuals have created the environmental problems by neglecting the environment, and that must mean that together they can fix most problems, whether they are making large or small contributions. Another reason is that, in the name of economic development, people pollute the local rivers and lakes by putting into them dirty water or industrial wastes.
Then, apart from enforcing regulations and using penalties or fines as a means to hold individuals accountable for their damage to the environment, the government should do more to alert people to the way the environment is going, then people would be more likely to do their bit. If people are not reminded of the risks that affect their own local environment, they will often forget. Unless there is a particular crisis going on, it is always the case that the public will become immune to shocking statistics or terrible photos, for they have seen too many of them and tend to neglect them. It is, therefore, the job of the government to keep informing the public (through television or other media) of the current environmental issues.
To a great extent, the responsibility for looking after the local environment must be shared by the government and individuals. The government should let the public know that environmental protection is everybody’s business. Otherwise, what seems to be everybody’s business would become nobody’s business.
(330 words)
句型的灵活运用,从评分角度来理解即写作评分的最后一个指标GRA ,这一评分内容是指是否能够灵活地运用不同句型,深层的意思理解为是否能够综合运用简单句、复合句和复杂句。
在文章中这些句子间或出现,会使整篇文章读起来有起伏感和节奏感。另外要想写出好的句子,必须先去接触和学习好的句子。所以考生不应该自己造句而应该多看native speaker写的语言,来丰富自己的语言资料库并且要有针对性地学习和训练,从而提高自己句子组织能力。
1、做足量的练习,这个练习是要求考生完整地写够一定数量的作文,这里指的是不管是大作文还是小作文,雅思的作文题目(TASK 1和TASK 2)可以总结成很多种类,在风范雅思培训班上老师都会为学生们总结出来,每一类热门考题都要做足够练习。