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广州新航道暑假雅思培训2023/11/30 11:52:08




Topic 1-Is it good to have a large family?

I think it is good to have a large family. Because we Chinese believe a sentence: “Many sons, many lucks”……

乍一看是不是没毛病,很符合我们的表达思维?还用上了所谓的“俚语”,殊不知已经犯了一个严重的错误,“Many sons, many lucks”正确写法应该是“Happiness lies in having many children”不敢想象考官在首段看到这神奇俗语时的表情。



Topic2-If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished?

About this problem, my think is if children behave badly, then parents are not right. Because teach child is parent’s responsibility. So we also punish parents too besides children is also should.


我们都知道在表示举例子的时候,such as与like是完全等同的,如:Wild flowers such as/like orchids and primroses are becoming rare.但是很多小伙伴对于such as、for example 的把握还是不够准确。一般情况下接句子前者接词语表示举例子。于是就有了下面的写法:There is a similar word in many languages, such as in French and Italian.
这里的such as改为for example会更贴切,因为“in French and Italian”其实是“there is a similar word in French and Italian”的简化,所以要用for example 来引出例证。假如我们不去特别注意,根本不会发现这个小错误藏在句子里。




今天新航道小编分享最近的一篇雅思写作范文,就是1月16日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 没有室外空间,好还是坏?下面我们一起来看看详细的解析与雅思高分范文吧!

With growing population in cities, more and more people live in homes with small or no outdoor areas. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?




关键词:growing population(人口增长)+ homes with no outdoor areas(没有室外空间)



很多烤鸭可能会使用一边倒来处理这个题目。比如,认为这个现象当然是不好的:没有花园,就没有空间从事一些与工作无关的休闲活动,只能在屋子里看电视,这对人的身心都不利;此外,没有空间,就势必减少很多社交的机会,这会导致人与人之间的隔阂和孤独。这样写未必不可,表达好了也是好作文。但唐老师想提醒一下,本题还有一个关键词,即growing population,前面的观点没有涉及这个关键词,因此建议分类双边讨论,即除了以上讨论的负面影响外,还讨论一下其产生的正面影响:没有室外空间,就节约了地方,可以建更多楼房,解决不断增长的人口带来的住房压力。最后的结论就是:室外空间小了,对个人而言是不利的,但对于整个城市居民的生活而言,则是有利的。



01、People used to live in houses with huge outdoor areas like a garden or backyard, but this is no longer possible for many people as a result of the relentless development ofurbanisation. For individual city dwellers, this trend is not a good one, though for the city as a whole, it is positive.



(1) 本段利用对比的方法提出问题,然后直接给出自己的观点。

(2) As a result of 由于......

(3) Relentless 无情的

(4) Urbanisation 城镇化

02、With dwindled outdoor areas, people will find themselves confined to the limited number of indoor activities. If in the past they were able to engage in such activities as walking, gardening, weeding, and planting in their backyard, when they got back home from work, now what people can do is sitting in the sofa and watching TV. While being detrimental to their physical health, this will also make their life untolerably boring, especially for those who love to take care of flowers and plants or to take outdoor exercises.



(1) 本段论证室外空间减少带来的坏的影响之一:活动减少带来身体问题。

(2) Dwindle 减少;变小

(3) Be confined to... 被局限于......

(4) Engage in 从事

03、Worse still, without enough outdoor spaces, people will not be able to find many opportunities to interact with each other. They will spend most of their off-work time isolated in their match-box of homes. As this goes on, they will grow more and more lonely and indifferent to their neighbors. This lack of soical life may result in many mental problems.



(1) 本段讨论户外空间减少的另一个问题:导致互相隔离。

(2) Isolate 隔离

(3) Match-box of homes 火柴盒般的家

(4) Result in 导致

04、The disappearing outdoor space will do harm to the individual city dwellers both physically and psychologically, but it is necessary for the overall urban development. As more and more poeple rush into the cities, the government will have to address their housing and traffic issues. By reducing the outdoor areas, the government can build more houses and roads so as to meet the basic demands of all people.



(1) 本段讨论减少户外空间对整个城市发展的必要性。

(2) Disappearing 逐渐消失的

(3) Overall 整体的

(4) Address 解决;应对


People used to live in houses with huge outdoor areas like a garden or backyard, but this is no longer possible for many people as a result of the relentless development of urbanisation. For individual city dwellers, this trend is not a good one, though for the city as a whole, it is positive.

With dwindled outdoor areas, people will find themselves confined to the limited number of indoor activities. If in the past they were able to engage in such activities as walking, gardening, weeding, and planting in their backyard, when they got back home from work, now what people can do is sitting in the sofa and watching TV. While being detrimental to their physical health, this will also make their life untolerably boring, especially for those who love to take care of flowers and plants or to take outdoor exercises.

Worse still, without enough outdoor spaces, people will not be able to find many opportunities to interact with each other. They will spend most of their off-work time isolated in their match-box of homes. As this goes on, they will grow more and more lonely and indifferent to their neighbors. This lack of soical life may result in many mental problems.

The disappearing outdoor space will do harm to the individual city dwellers both physically and psychologically, but it is necessary for the overall urban development. As more and more poeple rush into the cities, the government will have to address their housing and traffic issues. By reducing the outdoor areas, the government can build more houses and roads so as to meet the basic demands of all people.




Describe a time when you decided not to tell a friend the truth.

You should say:

When and where this happened

Who the friend was

Why you decided not to tell this friend the truth

And explain how you felt about not telling this friend the truth.


When mentioning a time when I didn’t tell a friend the truth, it reminds me of a funny story that happened on April Fools’ Day last year. We all know that April Fools’ Day is a holiday full of fun as we celebrate the day just by looking for any opportunity we can to play an elaborate prank on our friends. A lot of the time, the pranks involve telling somebody something outrageous or false and if they’re gullible enough to believe it, we can say “April fools” to let them know that they’re been had by the prank.

So last year, on April Fools’ Day, I was trying to fool my best friend Lisa with a quiz game. The quiz was quite simple, “Are there any penguins in the world that can actually fly?”. And the rule was if she could answer it correctly, I would pay her 100 RMB. If she failed, she needed to pay me 100 RMB. Certainly the answer is no and her answer was no as well. But I told her that her answer was false and showed her the trailer from the BBC explaining the discovery of flying penguins in Antarctica. My friend’s jaw dropped and she gave me 100 RMB reluctantly. I couldn’t help laughing when I got the money and then told my friend it was a joke, the trailer was fake news created by the BBC itself to fool all the audience on April Fools’ Day in 2008.


1. play a joke/trick/prank on sb. 捉弄某人

2. gullible adj.容易受骗上当的

3. fool sb. (into doing sth.) 愚弄某人(做某事)

4. one’s jaw drops 惊讶得目瞪口呆

2019年6月1日雅思大作文题目:挽救动植物是否为时已晚?Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (2016/02/18)









Human civilisation has largely destroyed the habitats of many plants and animals so that some species have disappeared entirely from the earth. This situation has caused a strong sense of pessimism among many people that it is already too late for us to do anything about it. Though people have enough reasons to hold this pessimistic view, I am still positive that we can save the situation by taking effective measures.

In the name of "development" and "civilisation", human beings have long ignored the interest of plants and animals. To build a city, for instance, they will not hesitate to cut all the trees in the area and erect numerous concrete buildings in their place. When the trees are gone, all the animals have to leave or die because they can no longer survive. As the urbanisation goes on ruthlessly throughout the world, plants and animals can find less and less space to live in. This situation is bad enough, and shows no positive sign of change.

Yet, this does not mean we are helpless. Though we can not stop the city from spreading altogether, we can create a favorable environment for plants and animals to thrive on. For example, in the center of the city, we can give large spaces for trees and other plants and leave animals living there the way they like. In fact, I have already seen that many cities are running this kind of special "animal parks" which imitate the natural habitats of plants and animals and do not allow people to intrude in. More important is, of course, that people should be educated to understand that human beings themselves would suffer if the entire ecological system were destroyed. Our own existence is so dependent on the plants and animals around us that if they die, we will die, too. With this understanding deep in mind, human beings will try their best to maintain a harmonious relationship with the natural world.

Over the past 5000 years of human development, we do have brought negative effects on plants and animals and the situation seems to be worsening. So, for the benefits of the nature and ourselves, we should act immediately. Though keeping balance between the natural protection and human development is never easy, we can always find a way out. It is never too late to take measures to change the situation, and the earlier, the better.

(401 words)



1、pull down 赚钱

She is pulling down a million a year. 她每年会挣100万美元。

2、stick out 露出来

Your shirt is sticking out. 你的衬衫露出来了。

3、pick up 心情好转

Her mood picked up a bit today. 她今天的心情好转了些。

4、blow up 生气

I blew up at my girlfriend and now she's not talking to me. 我对女朋友发了火,没想到她至今都没和我说话。

5、 grow on 逐渐喜欢

She has grown on me. 她越来越喜欢我了。

6、cut back 减少不健康食物的摄入

I've cut back on fatty foods. 我减少了油腻的食物。

7、 carry out 履行,遵守

Carry out your promise. 遵守你的承诺。

8、 hang over 担心

There are problems hanging over me. 我正担心一些问题。

9、work off 通过工作消除

She worked off her breakup. 她忘记了失恋的烦恼。

10、check over 仔细检查

I got my car checked over. 我把我的车自己检查了一遍。






在平时的雅思教学中,我通常会建议同学们根据词性筛选出需要记诵的单词。其中,词性为动词、形容词的词是必须掌握的,因为它们往往带有一定的感情色彩,如反对/支持、鼓励/抵制等等,而这些,也是雅思考试multiple choice、list of headings、matching等题型经常考察的出题点。












形近词的整理,可以帮助学生发现单词背诵过程中掌握不牢的地方。如object/objective, exceptional/exceptionable等等。这些词的归纳、记忆,可以避生在阅读过程中的不必要失分。



2. 优质的教学质量,紧紧围绕课堂教学,优化教学过程,增强教学的有效性











