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荔湾区全日制雅思培训2023/11/30 11:52:25




  In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

  It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time.

  The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or travelling to other places, have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and research., as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of student life.

  However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment. They may think different from a university course. But overall, I think this is less likely today, when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.

  My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.


  Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Other, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis. This means that change is not always a personal option, but an inescapable fact of life, and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace with it.

  Those people who believe they have achieved some security by doing the same, familiar things are living in denial. Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world around them from changing. Sooner or later they will find that the familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the ‘safe’ patterns of behavior are no longer appropriate.

  However, reaching the conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as assuming that ‘change is always for the better’. Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are promoted they have good impacts for the majority of people. A lot of innovations are made with the aim of making money for a few. This is because it is the rich and powerful people in our society who are able to impose changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that are in their own interests.

  In conclusion, I would say that change can be stimulating and energizing for individuals when they pursue it themselves, but that all change, including that which is imposed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes.


  Successful sports professional can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.

  Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibility of governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of “fairness” is not the issue.

  Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of these factors may justify the huge earnings.

  Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.











举几个例子:incineration; antibiotics 等。词根词缀类似于汉语中的偏旁部首,它由固定的字母组合构成通常有特定的意思,比如-tion通常表示名词词性;anti-表示反,前缀和词根决定单词意思、后缀改变单词词性,所以带着词根词缀的意识背单词可以大大减轻记背拼写的压力,由一个单词衍生出其所有的派生词可以提高背诵效率。



比如reference在求职场景中往往表示“推荐信“的意思但在学术场景表示的的是“参考文献、参考资料”,再比如题干中出现present course,在这边present做形容词表示“现在的、目前的”但present同时也可以做名词表示“礼物”,这两个词性和词义在雅思听力中都是十分常见和基础的。





“小编 看到文章的时候 考位已经没有了”






















中国的英语学习者在读英语单词时,常犯重音位移错误,主要表现为将个音节重音后移至第二个音节。英文的重音就像中文的四声,和单词的发音是不可分割 的,重音后移听起来会有非常的奇怪的声调。最常见的重音后移的单词是interesting,它的重音在最前面,而不是在t的前面。类似的还有 subject、mobile、recent等,这些单词的重音也都在最前面。


一直以来,受美剧的影响,加上雅思口语考试对语音的包容性,让很多考生选择了自己喜欢的美式英语,但这也意味着很多考生开始了对“儿”化音的情有独钟,即 不加区分地卷舌发儿化音。邓老师说济南环球雅思的很多学员都有这方面的毛病,如 “because”和“of course”并不一样,后者有“r”可以“儿”化;前者却没有,可很多学员都喜欢把它读成[bi’k?rz]。事实上,无论英式美式,它都发 [bi’k?z]。banana,Christmas,August,idea都是很典型的例子,单词的拼写中并没有“r”,但是考生却莫名其妙非要读出 “r”的音。通常我们所说的儿化音只有在单词中出现字母r时才会有相应的发音出现。


首当其冲的是th的发音,凡是遇到th我们都要咬舌头,比如the, think, this, mother, both, three, through, month, maths。绝大多数学生在遇到th时,都用/s/或/z/来替代,没有伸出舌尖。这样做的结果是自己说得很舒服,听的人很不舒服。


Neither father nor mother likes this weather.


还有两组非常常见的错误:/l//n/不分,/w//v/不分。南方人倾向于出现/l//n/不分,北方人/w//v/不分。邓老师说济南环球雅思(微 博)曾经有个贵州学员在次上课做自我介绍的时候居然说“My leim is …(My name is …)”,全班同学都忍着才能不笑出来。无疑这样的自我介绍也会给考官留下很不好的印象。

英语辅音/n//l/的发音部位和汉语的这两个音的发音部位基本是一致的,/l/是舌侧音,发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流由舌头两旁出来,/n/是鼻音,发 音时也是舌尖抵住上齿龈,但气流是从鼻腔里出来的。这个区别如果不注意加以强调的话,学生一出口就容易犯错误,以name一词为代表。容易/n//l/淆 的常见词还有:let,like,live,light,low,night,ninenose,net等等。



Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. (八次张嘴,元音极其饱满!)

I like the shape of that mountain.(包含了四个容易混淆的元音)

双元音是指音标中的八个音[ei][ai][?i][au][?u] [i?][ε?][u?]。正确的双元音读法应该经历一个先升再降的抛物线式拖音过程,强弱分明,而不是很多同学的直线式发音,比如把[?u]读成“欧” 音,[ai]读成“爱”音,[au]读成“奥”音等等。发双元音时如果不注意强弱区别、饱和度不够的话,往往会影响听力理解。





1、airhead =stupid person 笨蛋,傻瓜

e.g. Other people think she's an airhead, but to me she's a genius. 别人都认为她是个傻瓜,但我觉得她是个天才。

2、bust a gut =try extremely hard to do something 竭尽全力

In order to pass the exam with flying colours, I have to bust my gut. 为了高分通过考试,我不得不竭尽全力。

3、goof =make a silly mistake 犯愚蠢的错误

I thought that I would pass the exam with flying colours, but unfortunately I goofed in the exam and I feel lousy. 我原本以为我会高分通过考试,但不幸的是我考砸了,感觉很糟糕。

4、out of it =unable to think clearly because you are tired因为太累昏昏然的

I hadn't slept all night so when they called, I was totally out of it. 我整夜没合眼,所以他们给我打电话的时候,我都迷迷糊糊的。

5、random =surprising 惊人的,意外的

Hey, check this out! Potato cookies! That's so random! 嘿,快看这个!是土豆饼干!太让人吃惊了!

6、a rip-off =something that is overly expensive 过于昂贵的东西

The coat cost me 3000 dollars, which was a bit of a rip-off, and now I hardly ever wear it. What a waste! 那件外套花了我3000美元,真是贵的出奇。而且我现在几乎从来不穿,真是浪费。

7、take the piss out of sb. =to make fun 嘲笑,取弄

She really took the piss out of him. 我们好好奚落了他一番。

8、bring sb. up to speed on sth. =make sb. have the latest information or knowledge about sth. 跟上形势,了解情况

So he asked me if I could bring him up to speed on the situation. 所以他问我能否给他介绍一下情况。



A plan in your life (that is not related to work or study)

You should say:

What it was about

When you made it

How it worked

And how you felt about the result

雅思口语思路:按照‘现在时-过去时-将来时’的结构去完成这个part 2 话题。








误区:不确定时态的时候可以稍微去看一下you should say部分,给自己一些提示。比如这里一看大部分都是过去时态,那个整个的内容应该就是过去的计划。


most of the time 大部分时候

study related 与学习相关的

a plan of mine 我的计划

guide book 导游书

totally on my own 完全靠自己

book hotel rooms 订酒店

a guided tour group 旅行团

do a lot of research 做很多研究

all sorts of information 各种信息

be desperate to know 急切的想知道

have a blast 很开心

it is pissing down 下大雨

雅思口语话题范例: Well, to be honest, I’ve got to say it’s a pretty difficult topic for me, cause you might not know this, but most of the time, it’s my mom who does all the planning for me, especially when it is study related. So if I’ve got to choose a plan of mine and tell you a little bit about it, perhaps I can just bring up the one I did for my trip to Sri Lanka.

In fact, way before last year, I bought Lonely Planet Sri Lanka when it was on sale, you know, it’s a guide book. They do all sorts of destinations. And then there was this one day, I realized that edition I had been having was going out of date soon, cause I saw the new version was coming out soon. So I thought it was time to plan a trip soon. You might not know this but normally I would love to go somewhere totally on my own. By accident one of my friends heard about my idea and she said she wanted to join me. So I booked our tickets and the hotel for the first night. We didn’t choose to go with a guided tour group, so we had to do a lot of research online before hand. Luckily I found a good website called tripadvisor which gave me all sorts of information I was desperate to know.

This Chinese New Year, we finally made it to Colombo, which is the capital. Even now, I’m feeling so lucky that I came up with the idea of travelling cause I really had a blast on that beautiful island. What I liked the best was the trip was quite spontaneous. I didn’t make any specific route before hand, so we were just following our heart the whole time. Apart from that, thank god, I checked the weather and that and successfully avoided the north which was pissing down at the time. Where we went, which is along the southwest coast, was sunny throughout the whole journey. Still though, there was something I didn’t arrange too perfectly. I didn’t pre book the hotels so when we got to each new city, we had to look for one ourselves, and the prices were relatively high as well. If I didn’t spend that much money, I would have probably stayed a bit longer. At the same time, my friend who went along seemed to enjoy herself just as much. Anyway, I think I might crack on a new plan for the next journey hopefully really soon.




2. 优质的教学质量,紧紧围绕课堂教学,优化教学过程,增强教学的有效性











