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番禺区初中生雅思培训2023/11/28 10:08:17





连读现象在雅思听力中极为常见。因为雅思听力考的是口语,而口语必有连读。 英语是这样,汉语和世界上任何语言都是如此。传说古英语中并没有字母W,只有常连在一起双写的U(UU)。两个U(DOUBLE U)连在一起写草了,便成了W的形状;连在一起读快了,便成了[dAblju:]读音。久而久之,双写的U就成了现在字母W。又如汉语的“甭”字,起初只是口语中“不”和“用”形成的一个连读音变,久而久之人们又把两个字合写成一个字,于是连读便创造出了一个新的汉字。考生只需稍加留意便会发现连读的作用和影响在雅思听力中也是无处不在。




雅思听力中很多题目的考试关键经常是落在某个习语或词组上。只要这个关键词听懂了,即使其余内容都未听懂,这个题目也能做对。相反,考生即使听懂了其他的内容,但这个关键性的习语或词组未听懂,那么这个题目必然失分。多数情况下,这种关键词的书面形式考生相当熟悉,在语法、阅读等书面考试中绝不会因此失分。可一旦在 磁带上变为了听力,考生却不认识这些最熟悉的词了。连读造成的失分首当其冲便是这种情况。

像词组not at all(—点也不)考生都很熟悉。雅思听力一旦考到它,便把这三个小词紧紧挨在一起,放在一个长句子中间,然后发生强烈的连读。于是考生就听不出这是他们最熟悉的not at all词组。

比如一个单句题:The meeting yesterday wasn' t at all boring.


A. The meeting was rather interesting.

B. The meeting wasn' t held yesterday after all.

C. We didn' t go to all of yesterday's meetings.

D. We brought everything to the meeting.

做这个题时,前半句的the meeting yesterday读得缓慢清晰,考生听得很清楚。句尾的boring因重读考生听得也很清楚。但在yesterday与boring之间,考生虽然也感觉到疙疙瘩瘩有点东西,却不知道到底是什么。于是便开始浮想联翩,并夹进自己的生活体验:“开会肯定是无聊的(boring)!”因此,正确选项A反倒不敢选,在另外三个选项中瞎猜一个,这道题便做错了。



例如for和him,任何说英语的人都不会不认识这两个词。在雅思听力中,for him 搭配在一块,很多考生可能听不懂了。因为for的[r]要击穿him的[h]音,直接与him 的[i]音连读,于是for him在听觉上就成了for [rim]。还有,for和him这两个小词在句子中经常要被弱读,for读作[f?], him的[i]音也变作了[?]音,这样for him就成了 [f?r?m],发音完全等同于单词forum的弱读形式。有时候,for的元音部分因过于弱化而完全消失,这时的for him的发音成了[fr?m],在听觉上就与单词from无异了。这也就使得对连读等音变现象不熟的考生听不出处于上下文中的for him 了。





Public transport should be funded by the government so that it can be free for the people who use it. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.






Public transit is a critical part of a modern country’s mass transportation network. Should it be free? It is easy to say that the government must do its best to support public transport, but it is difficult to make public transport completely free.



(1) 先提出话题(public transport),然后自问自答,提出自己的观点(单位应该全力支持公共交通,但全预约则很难)。

(2) critical 关键的;重要的

(3) mass 大众(的)


There are mainly three reasons why some people say that public transport should be made free. Firstly, free transport will benefit the regularcommuters, especially those whose financial condition does not allow them to spend a lot on transport. Secondly, it will encourage people out of their cars and will therefore help reduce the serious traffic jams and air pollution in the ever expanding cities. Finally, free public transport would actually save the government money spent in maintaining the roads because more people would use it instead of driving.



(1) 本段主要论述预约公共交通的三条理由:给人们节约钱;解决拥堵和污染问题;节约道路维护费用。

(2) commuter 每天乘车上下班的人

(3) the ever expanding cities 不断扩大的城市

(4) maintain 维护


However, the idea of free public transport does not work as healthily as we might have expected. In the first place, it will put a heavy burden on the government’s budget so that the government will have to cut down on its investment in such sectors as education, medical care, technological development, to mention just the three. Meanwhile, exactly how much the free public transport can help with the traffic and environment is alsodoubtful. When public transport goes free, many people who otherwise would stay at home may choose to go out by taking the free transport. This will greatly undo the benefits brought by the reduced number of private cars on road and may even paralyze the public transport system, especially during the rush hours. Beijing, for instance, found itself in great traffic trouble when the city announced to provide free metro service for its citizens during the Asian Games in 1990. Then in 2008 when Beijing was hosting the Olympic Games, the city never made the similar attempt.



(1) 本段主要论述预约公共交通的两大坏处:首先给单位带来预算压力;其次,它不仅不能解决交通阻塞和环境问题,反而可能加剧这些问题。为了说明第二个观点,本范文使用了举例法:对比北京1990年亚运会和2008年奥运会的相关政策。

(2) healthily 健康地

(3) budget 预算

(4) cut down on… 削减……

(5) sector 领域

(6) doubtful 值得怀疑的

(7) undo 抵消

(8) paralyze 使瘫痪


In sum, free public transport is a good idea, but it is not always good in practice. For the sake of traffic and environment, the government, rather than providing funds for free public transport, should construct more roads and introduce stricter rules of car ownership and use.



(1) 总结前面的主要观点,并提出建议。

(2) in practice 实践中

(3) for the sake of 为了

(4) construct 修建

(5) introduce 介绍,引进

(6) ownership 拥有权



Public transit is a critical part of a modern country’s mass transportation network. Should it be free? It is easy to say that the government must do its best to support public transport, but it is difficult to make public transport completely free.

There are mainly three reasons why some people say that public transport should be made free. Firstly, free transport will benefit the regular commuters, especially those whose financial condition does not allow them to spend a lot on transport. Secondly, it will encourage people out of their cars and will therefore help reduce the serious traffic jams and air pollution in the ever expanding cities. Finally, free public transport would actually save the government money spent in maintaining the roads because more people would use it instead of driving.

However, the idea of free public transport does not work as healthily as we might have expected. In the first place, it will put a heavy burden on the government’s budget so that the government will have to cut down on its investment in such sectors as education, medical care, technological development, to mention just the three. Meanwhile, exactly how much the free public transport can help with the traffic and environment is also doubtful. When public transport goes free, many people who otherwise would stay at home may choose to go out by taking the free transport. This will greatly undo the benefits brought by the reduced number of private cars on road and may even paralyze the public transport system, especially during the rush hours. Beijing, for instance, found itself in great traffic trouble when the city announced to provide free metro service for its citizens during the Asian Games in 1990. Then in 2008 when Beijing was hosting the Olympic Games, the city never made the similar attempt.

In sum, free public transport is a good idea, but it is not always good in practice. For the sake of traffic and environment, the government, rather than providing funds for free public transport, should construct more roads and introduce stricter rules of car ownership and use.

(350 words)


1.It is easy to say that the government must do its best to support public transport, but it is difficult to make public transport completely free.


2.Free transport will benefit the regular commuters, especially those whose financial condition does not allow them to spend a lot on transport.


3. (free public transport)will put a heavy burden on the government’sbudget so that the government will have to cut down on its investment in such sectors as education, medical care, technological development, to mention just the three.


4.When public transport goes free, many people who otherwise would stay at home may choose to go out by taking the free transport. This will greatlyundo the benefits brought by the reduced number of private cars on road and may even paralyze the public transport system, especially during the rush hours.


5.For the sake of traffic and environment, the government, rather than providing funds for free public transport, should construct more roads and introduce stricter rules of car ownership and use.




It is shown that many criminals have a low level of education. Some people argue that the best way to reduce crime is to educate criminals in prison to help them find jobs when they leave prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree?






Because many inmates in prison do not have formal education and have not ever had a decent job before, it is believed that the best way to reduce crime is to educate them so they can find employment after release. However, there are both good news and bad news about the value of prison education.



(1) 本段先重述题目观点,并给出自己的判断,表明接下来文章做双边讨论。

(2) inmate 监狱中的囚犯

(3) a decent job 一份体面的工作

(4) employment 工作;就业

(5) release 释放(n. & v.)


There is evidence that educating criminals in prison does work to some extent, for it can help them secure a good job after being set free and return to normal life as soon as possible. In looking across the related statistics, the chances of finding employment are about 10 percent higher among prisoners who have participated in either academic or vocational education programs than those who have not. Education, therefore, remains an important means to ensure that inmates are prepared for the challenges in workplaces.



(1) 本段主要论述监狱里的教育项目的确可以帮助罪犯出狱后找到工作。本段论述中使用的是数据法,也就是提供数据来支持自己的观点。

(2) evidence 证据

(3) secure 活得(v.);安全的(adj.)

(4) statistics 数据

(5) participate in 参加

(6) vocational 职业的

(7) ensure 确保


However, skeptics claim that in practice education behind bars may be more a romantic idea than an effective solution to the growing crime rate. It must be made clear that the point is not against correctional education programs, considering that most criminals are under-educated. Rather, the point is that sometimes prison education produces nothing more than “better-educated criminals,” who may become even more dangerous. These days, the violent crime rate keeps soaring up, which is a clear indication that prison education is not really working well. The value of prison education, therefore, must not be over-exaggerated, though it does improve the prospect of employment for the former prisoners.



(1) 本段主要论述监狱的教育并一定能降低犯罪率,反而可能让罪犯变得更加危险。

(2) skeptics 怀疑论者

(3) education behind bars 监狱里的教育

(4) crime rate 犯罪率

(5) correctional 补救性的

(6) soar up 快速上升

(7) exaggerate 夸张

(8) prospect 前景


To sum up, it pays to educate inmates and prepare them for job opportunities. Whether education in prisons is the best way to reduce crimedepends on the way those inmates see the education they receive. Good things often happen, but probably not as often as justice officials hope.



(1) 总结前面的主要观点,包括监狱教育的好处和局限。

(2) it pays to do... 做......是值得的

(3) depend on 取决于

(4) justice official 司法官员



Because many inmates in prison do not have formal education and have not ever had a decent job before, it is believed that the best way to reduce crime is to educate them so they can find employment after release. However, there are both good news and bad news about the value of prison education.

There is evidence that educating criminals in prison does work to some extent, for it can help them secure a good job after being set free and return to normal life as soon as possible. In looking across the related statistics, the chances of finding employment are about 10 percent higher among prisoners who have participated in either academic or vocational education programs than those who have not. Education, therefore, remains an important means to ensure that inmates are prepared for the challenges in workplaces.

However, skeptics claim that in practice education behind bars may be more a romantic idea than an effective solution to the growing crime rate. It must be made clear that the point is not against correctional education programs, considering that most criminals are under-educated. Rather, the point is that sometimes prison education produces nothing more than “better-educated criminals,” who may become even more dangerous. These days, the violent crime rate keeps soaring up, which is a clear indication that prison education is not really working well. The value of prison education, therefore, must not be over-exaggerated, though it does improve the prospect of employment for the former prisoners.

To sum up, it pays to educate inmates and prepare them for job opportunities. Whether education in prisons is the best way to reduce crime depends on the way those inmates see the education they receive. Good things often happen, but probably not as often as justice officials hope.

(299 words)


1. Because many inmates in prison do not have formal education and have not ever had a decent job before, it is believed that the best way to reduce crime is to educate them so they can find employment after release.


2. There is evidence that educating criminals in prison does work to some extent, for it can help them secure a good job after being set free and return to normal life as soon as possible.


3. However, skeptics claim that in practice education behind bars may be more a romantic idea than an effective solution to the growing crime rate.


4. However, skeptics claim that in practice education behind bars may be more a romantic idea than an effective solution to the growing crime rate.


5. These days, the violent crime rate keeps soaring up, which is a clear indication that prison education is not really working well.


6. Whether education in prisons is the best way to reduce crime depends on the way those inmates see the education they receive.




Nowadays, many employers think that social skills are as important as good qualifications for employing people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




A. 双边讨论:认为两者都很重要

B. 一边倒讨论:只认为文凭更重要,或社交能力更重要

C. 批判思维:对某些工作而言,文凭更重要,而对其他工作而言,社交能力更重要。





It is important for job seekers to highlight both their professional qualifications and social skills. Employers are looking to hire those who have the right mix of professional qualifications as hard skills and social skills as soft skills.



(1) 本段开门见山,直接表明观点,即专业资质和社交能力同等重要。本作文采取双边讨论的结构。重要的是如何分别论述专业资质和社交能力的重要性。

(2) highlight 高亮;强调

(3) professional 专业的;职业的

(4) look to do... 希望做......

(5) mix 混合


On the one hand, hard skills are most important to any job, and theexpertise required to do a job is always listed in job postings and job descriptions. That is why those job seekers with perfect certifications and licenses are preferred by their potential employers, for they indicate that their owners possess the sought-after knowledge and abilities.Without them, landing an interview or even getting past applicant tracking systems will become next to impossible. After all, in the job market, nothing can beat the importance of hard skills.



(1) 本段主要论述求职中工作技能的重要性:求职者必须拥有证明其具有某种工作技能的证书和执照。

(2) expertise 专业知识

(3) job description 职位描述

(4) potential 潜在的

(5) sought-after 急需的

(6) next to impossible 几乎不可能

(7) nothing can beat the importance of... 没有什么比......更为重要


Soft skills, on the other hand, are emotional abilities that are useful for an individual to stand out among other job applicants. While hard skills can be learned through proper training, soft skills are harder to develop. And thispartly explains why soft skills are extremely valuable these days. Indeed, such emotional traits are so valuable that almost every employer looks for job candidates who are skilled in identifying emotions, using emotions, andregulating emotions. With good soft skills, one is able to connect emotionally with his/her co-workers, clients and superiors as one will look and feel more comfortable and therefore more confident and efficient in job situations.



(1) 本段主要论述社交能力的重要性。首先定义社交能力,然后论述它为什么重要。

(2) stand out 突出

(3) partly 部分地

(4) valuable 有价值的

(5) identify 识别

(6) regulate 调节

(7) superior 上级


In conclusion, the two types of skills are not mutually exclusive as both of them are equally important in the job market. As far as employment is concerned, there is no “either/or” question since the answer mustnecessarily be both.



(1) 总结前面的主要观点,强调两者都很重要。

(2) mutually exclusive 相互排斥

(3) employment 工作

(4) necessarily 一定地



It is important for job seekers to highlight both their professional qualifications and social skills. Employers are looking to hire those who have the right mix of professional qualifications as hard skills and social skills as soft skills.

On the one hand, hard skills are most important to any job, and the expertise required to do a job is always listed in job postings and job descriptions. That is why those job seekers with perfect certifications and licenses are preferred by their potential employers, for they indicate that their owners possess the sought-after knowledge and abilities.Without them, landing an interview or even getting past applicant tracking systems will become next to impossible. After all, in the job market, nothing can beat the importance of hard skills.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are emotional abilities that are useful for an individual to stand out among other job applicants. While hard skills can be learned through proper training, soft skills are harder to develop. And this partly explains why soft skills are extremely valuable these days. Indeed, such emotional traits are so valuable that almost every employer looks for job candidates who are skilled in identifying emotions, using emotions, and regulating emotions. With good soft skills, one is able to connect emotionally with his/her co-workers, clients and superiors as one will look and feel more comfortable and therefore more confident and efficient in job situations.

In conclusion, the two types of skills are not mutually exclusive as both of them are equally important in the job market. As far as employability is concerned, there is no “either/or” question since the answer must necessarily be both.

(276 words)


1. Employers are looking to hire those who have the right mix of professional qualifications as hard skills and social skills as soft skills.


2. On the one hand, hard skills are most important to any job, and theexpertise required to do a job is always listed in job postings and job descriptions.


3. Those job seekers with perfect certifications and licenses are preferred by their potential employers, for they indicate that their owners possess the sought-after knowledge and abilities.


4. With good soft skills, one is able to connect emotionally with his/her co-workers, clients and superiors as one will look and feel more comfortable and therefore more confident and efficient in job situations.


5. As far as employment is concerned, there is no “either/or” question since the answer must necessarily be both.



Some people think that the qualities a person needs to become successful in today’s world cannot be learned at a university or any similar institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



A. 一边倒讨论:完全学得到 / 完全学不到

B. 双边讨论:虽然学不到这些素质,但大学有利于人们强化和使用这些素质

C. 批判思维:某些素质大学学不到(如自信、勇气等),有些素质则可以学到(人际交往能力,处理问题能力等)。




老师笔记 01

If we look at those who have achieved success in their own fields today, we will easily find that they are simultaneously ambitious, courageous, resilient and self-confident, among other things. First, ambitious people are willing to take risks, and they will see that they are capable of doing their best and being the best at what they do. Second, many people do not achieve success for lack of courage and this fear of failure is exactly what holds them back. Third, resilience is a key trait for success as it is what can help people to continue going, no matter what adversity they encounter. Fourth, people must trust themselves because without self-confidence, success is simply out of the question.



(1) 本段开门见山,分析成功者的四大特征:雄心、勇敢、韧性和自信,并简要分析各种特征对于成功的重要性。

(2) achieve success 取得成功

(3) simultaneously 同时地

(4) resilient 有弹性的

(5) among other things 等等;诸如此类

(6) take risks 冒险

(7) be capable of... 能够做......

(8) adversity 逆境;对手

(9) out of the question 不可能的


In my opinion, university is probably not the place for people to learn such qualities as ambition, courage, resilience and self-confidence. As a matter of fact, many successful men and women alive today did poorly in a university. They got low grades or no grades, and many of them had not completed university or even high school. They are simply born with these “success” qualities. On the other hand, many students who have received excellent university education do not turn out to be very successful in life. This amply shows that the university and other similar institutions cannot give people those qualities to make them successful.



(1) 本段主要论述大学无法教会学生成功素质的原因。

(2) as a matter of fact 事实上

(3) turn out 原来是......

(4) amply 充分地


Yet this does not follow that the environment like a university is not helpful at all for the development of those “success” character traits. In fact, through the university experience, people will be better able to get in tune with and therefore make the most of their positive qualities. In this regard, the university and other institutions do have a role to play in making people successful.



(1) 本段主要大学在培养“成功”素质方面并非完全没有作用。

(2) this does not follow that... 这不意味着......

(3) character trait 性格特征

(4) get in tune with... 与......保持一致

(5) make the most of... 充分利用......

(6) in this regard 在这方面


In conclusion, although the qualities that are required to succeed cannot be learned at a university or a similar institution, probably they can bestrengthened to some extent. It is, therefore, not appropriate to say that people can achieve success only through university education, or that university education has completely nothing to do with people’s success.



(1) 总结前面的主要观点。

(2) require 需要

(3) strengthen 强化

(4) appropriate 恰当的



If we look at those who have achieved success in their own fields today, we will easily find that they are simultaneously ambitious, courageous, resilient and self-confident, among other things. First, ambitious people are willing to take risks, and they will see that they are capable of doing their best and being the best at what they do. Second, many people do not achieve success for lack of courage and this fear of failure is exactly what holds them back. Third, resilience is a key trait for success as it is what can help people to continue going, no matter what adversity they encounter. Fourth, people must trust themselves because without self-confidence, success is simply out of the question.

In my opinion, university is probably not the place for people to learn such qualities as ambition, courage, resilience and self-confidence. As a matter of fact, many successful men and women alive today did poorly in a university. They got low grades or no grades, and many of them had not completed university or even high school. They are simply born with these “success” qualities. On the other hand, many students who have received excellent university education do not turn out to be very successful in life. This amply shows that the university and other similar institutions cannot give people those qualities to make them successful.

Yet this does not follow that the environment like a university is not helpful at all for the development of those “success” character traits. In fact, through the university experience, people will be better able to get in tune with and therefore make the most of their positive qualities. In this regard, the university and other institutions do have a role to play in making people successful.

In conclusion, although the qualities that are required to succeed cannot be learned at a university or a similar institution, probably they can be strengthened to some extent. It is, therefore, not appropriate to say that people can achieve success only through university education, or that university education has completely nothing to do with people’s success.

(354 words)


1. If we look at those who have achieved success in their own fields today, we will easily find that they are simultaneously ambitious, courageous, resilient and self-confident, among other things.


2. On the other hand, many students who have received excellent university education do not turn out to be very successful in life.


3. In fact, through the university experience, people will be better able to get in tune with and therefore make the most of their positive qualities.


4. It is, therefore, not appropriate to say that people can achieve success only through university education, or that university education has completely nothing to do with people’s success.











  剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)


  牛津大学(University of Oxford)


  圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews)

  文学类专业Faculty of Arts要求雅思成绩不得低于7.0分,听说读写各单项不得低于6.0分。

  科学类专业Faculty of Science 要求雅思成绩不得低于6.5分,听说读写各单项不得低于6.0分。

  帝国理工学校(Imperial College London )


  伦敦政治经济学校( LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science )


  杜伦大学(Durham University)


  埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)

  会计、商业、经济学、英语、历史、法学和心理学要求申请人雅思总成绩不得低于7.0分,听说读写各单项不得低于6.0分。Medical Imaging科学学士学位和Medical Sciences的科学学士学位项目要求申请人雅思总成绩不得低于7.0分,听说读写各单项不低于6.5分。医学学士学位项目Bachelor of Surgery项目要求申请人雅思成绩总分不得低于7.5分,其中口语和听力部分不得低于7.0分,写作和阅读部分不得低于6.0分。其他所有专业要求雅思总成绩不低于6.5分,其中写作部分不得低于6.0分,听力、口语和阅读部分不得低于5.5分。




1、spectacular waterfalls 壮观的瀑布

Others come to walk in the mountains, to see the spectacular waterfalls or to bathe in thehot water pools. 另外一些人则是到山里来走一走,看看那些蔚为壮观的瀑布,或者在温水池里泡个澡。

2、reach so high 很高

The trees there reach so high that they remind me of the skyscrapers in Beijing. 这里的树很高,让我想起北京的摩天大厦。

3、rolling hills 平稳的小山

The scenic area – characterised by forested, rolling hills and a large river – is a two-hour drive from New York City. 该风景区有着茂密的森林,起伏的丘陵和一条大河,距市中心有两小时的车程。

4、well-trimmed 枝叶修剪整齐的

The well-trimmed trees really appeal to me. 这些枝叶修剪整齐的树真的让我喜欢。

5、sweep across the lake 掠过湖面

A couple of chirping birds sweep across the lake. 几只鸣叫的鸟掠过水面。

6、neatly-mowed 草坪修剪

The lawn is neatly-mowed. 这个草坪修剪整齐。









雅思听力配对题主要有两种形式:地图配对和文字配对。地图配对这种形式相对比较简单,同义转换很少出现,只要跟着讲解地图的思路走,不弄错方向就不会有太大的问题。通常这种类型的题目会出现在section 1和section 2的参观旅游场景中,要求考生把地图中标注的字母和题目要求找到的地点对应起来。虽然选项数量较多,但题目很少出现同义转换,定位还是很简单的。考生如果平时比较害怕做到地图题,就需要多熟悉一些方位和处所的表达方式,在听题时要弄清起始点把握好大方向。

文字配对题对考生听力理解要求更高,因此也更有挑战性。这种类型的配对题在section3和section 4中就比较多见了。较难的场景加上不熟悉的题型往往会令考生手足无措。文字配对题也有两类:选项多于题干型和题干多于选项型。选项多于题干型:这类考题的选项一般是对题干进行解释说明,很容易出现同义转换。而且有些选项会比较相似干扰性强。考生在审题时应明确题干的中心词,弄清问的是什么,为定位作好准备。另外要快速浏览选项,记住大致意思,以免听到了答案却找不到选项,影响听题节奏。题干多于选项型:这类考题类似于把题干进行分类,一般选项为三个,需要重复使用。在考试中这种形式的考题通常是给出对某些事物的不同看法,根据说话人的表述作出选择。由于选项相对固定,考生要重点分析题干中的信息,避免由于题干同义转换带来的定位困难。另外说话人的语气和态度也能帮助我们作出选择,有时题目考的就是他们的言下之意,光听懂字面意思还不够。




2. 优质的教学质量,紧紧围绕课堂教学,优化教学过程,增强教学的有效性











