昂首挺胸地交上去份Essay,然而教授评分后的评语写着: Your writing is amusing, but it is not an academic writing. 翻看前面的评语,海般的红色修改意见几乎要冲出屏幕对我造成真实伤害。在那一刻,我怀疑自己学了假英语,写了假论文。
的人应该凭借实力取胜,但是掌握游戏规则也是制胜的关键。正如在打台湾麻将的时候不能按照四川麻将的玩法,不然一定惨输。而偏偏在次的论文作业中,我和别人家的孩子都犯了这个错误。虽然我们在前面的语言考试中取得不错的分数,偏偏大学课程里的Essay Assignment要求的是Academic Writing。无论我们的语言能力有多好,只要不符合Academic Writing的规定,Essay依然不能被评为甚至很有可能被判定为不合格。
首先,让我们搞清楚Academic Writing是什么?
有学者是这么定义的:”Academic writing refers to a style of expression that researchers use to define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their specific areas of expertise (Hartley, 2008).”大部分的学术论文都是根据Academic Writing 的要求来完成的。在Research Community 中,论文承载着成果的发表和意见交流。对于很多研究者来说,研究成果是宝贵的,同时也希望自己的成果能够被尊重。因此,区别于普通写作,Academic Writing的文风是偏向严肃、正式的。
01避免或节制使用人称(I, me)
I visited the local care home and asked carers to participate in this project.
The author visited the local care home, and introduced this research project to carers.
从以前学英语开始我们就知道缩写的好处:省时间。在Academic Writing中,学者们也常常利用缩写节省空间;同时,Academic Writing也对缩写的使用作出了详细的规定。我们常用的缩写有they will=they’ll, it’s=it is, i.e.=in other words, e.g.=for example等等,但要注意这些缩写在学术文章的正体内是不可以出现的!不要忘记,学术文章是高冷的,需要时刻保持严谨和严肃的风格。
“In the past ideas came from the brainNow they come from Google.” --The College of Everthing
Plagiarism是论文的禁忌。还记得前段时间一位北大研究生因为论文抄袭被撤销学位的新闻吗?很多人以为,抄袭就是把别人的东西直接“偷”过来当成自己的成果。当踏入论文这个坑,你会明白事情不是这么简单:如果写作格式不正确同样也会被当成抄袭——这就是为什么我们要了解相关的Writing style(写作格式)。
Writing Style能够让我们有逻辑地、科学地、严谨地表达和传送自己的研究成果,使学术交流变得为规范;同时也为了尊重其他人的研究成果。常见的包括:
写作格式Writing Style 常用学科
American Psychology Association (APA) 社科类文章
American Medication Association (AMA) 医学科学类文章
Modern Language Association (MLA) 人文科学研究
真正地了解Academic Writing还需要一段时间和联系,许多大学为了规范的学术写作会特意为学生开设为期半年到一年的训练课程。这篇小文只是带着大家稍稍眺望一下前方的道路,探探水。无论论文多难写,都不要忘记“诚实”二字,忠于自己,忠于学术。学习这条路,长路漫漫其修远兮!
Academic Writing. Writing Center. Colorado Technical College; Hartley, James. Academic Writing and Publishing: A Practical Guide. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Once children start school, teachers have more influence than parents on their intellectual and social development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
这个题目明确地区分了两种发展,即intellectual 以及social的发展,前者指的是学习方面,后面指的是学习之外的社会交往能力方面。对于这种题目,我们完全可以用“分情况讨论”这种写作策略。比如,我们可以论证,在学习方面,老师的作用更大(这个很容易论证),但在社交能力培养方面,父母的影响好像会更大一些,最后指出,教师和家长一起对孩子的学习和社会能力负责,这两者在很多情况下其实是不可分的。
Teachers and parents share responsibility for the education and socialization of children. In my opinion, while teachers may have a bigger impact on children’s intellectual development, parents play a more important role in children’s social development.
(1) 开篇即亮出自己的观点:老师和父母同时为孩子的教育和社交能力负责,但老师在学业方面的影响更多,而父母在社交能力发展方面作用更大。用词方面,本范文也注意到变化,比如while teachers have a bigger impact on...,parents play a more important role in...
(2) Impact 影响
(3) Intellectual development 智力发展;学业发展
On the one hand, teachers are in school to help children succeed academically, and here lies teachers’ influence. Teachers keep children focused on study and, as a result, have more influence on their intellectual development. Although children may spend more time with parents even after they start school, teachers are the ones who help children with their reading, writing, and mathematics, and tell them about the world outside the comfort of family life. That is why children’s academic performance is more a sign of effective teaching than great parenting.
(1) 本段论述为什么老师对孩子的学业教育更加重要。从学校的职责谈起,然后讨论学生能从老师那里学习什么东西。本段的最后一句话类似一个段落总结。
(2) Academically 学习上地
(3) Focus on... 聚焦于......
(4) Effective 有效的
On the other hand, parents are the key elements in children’s social development. In other words, children usually rely more on parents than teachers when it comes to acquiring good social behaviors. Parents are the ultimate role models to their children. In most cases, the desired social behaviors are taught through a variety of accumulating experiences stemming from parents’ influence rather than teachers’. Actually, every word, movement or action from parents has an effect on children who observe and then do the same in their upcoming life. Compared to teachers, therefore, parents have more power to influence the social lives of their children.
(1) 本段论述为什么父母对孩子的社交能力发展影响更大。本段使用的是层层解释法。最后一句是段落总结。
(2) Rely on... 依赖于......
(3) Ultimate 最终的
(4) Role model 榜样
(5) A variety of... 各种各样的
(6) Stem from... 来自于......
In conclusion, teachers work together with parents in influencing the intellectual and social development of children. Though theoretically we can draw a line between the school influence and parental influence, in reality it is merely a matter of degrees since these two influences are not mutually exclusive.
(1) 结论段是总结,并提出自己的结论:虽然可以区分学校影响和父母影响,但二者其实是不可分的。
(2) Theoretically 理论上地
(3) Draw a ling between A and B 在A和B中划界限;区分A和B
(4) In reality 实际上
(5) Merely 只是
(6) A matter of degree 一个程度问题
Teachers and parents share responsibility for the education and socialization of children. In my opinion, while teachers may have a bigger impact on children’s intellectual development, parents play a more important role in children’s social development.
On the one hand, teachers are in school to help children succeed academically, and here lies teachers’ influence. Teachers keep children focused on study and, as a result, have more influence on their intellectual development. Although children may spend more time with parents even after they start school, teachers are the ones who help children with their reading, writing, and mathematics, and tell them about the world outside the comfort of family life. That is why children’s academic performance is more a sign of effective teaching than great parenting.
On the other hand, parents are the key elements in children’s social development. In other words, children usually rely more on parents than teachers when it comes to acquiring good social behaviors. Parents are the ultimate role models to their children. In most cases, the desired social behaviors are taught through a variety of accumulating experiences stemming from parents’ influence rather than teachers’. Actually, every word, movement or action from parents has an effect on children who observe and then do the same in their upcoming life. Compared to teachers, therefore, parents have more power to influence the social lives of their children.
In conclusion, teachers work together with parents in influencing the intellectual and social development of children. Though theoretically we can draw a line between the school influence and parental influence, in reality it is merely a matter of degrees since these two influences are not mutually exclusive.
(286 words)
1. In my opinion, while teachers may have a bigger impact on children’s intellectual development, parents play a more important role in children’s social development.
2. Although children may spend more time with parents even after they start school, teachers are the ones who help children with their reading, writing, and mathematics, and tell them about the world outside the comfort of family life.
3. In most cases, the desired social behaviors are taught through a variety of accumulating experiences stemming from parents’ influence rather than teachers’. Actually, every word, movement or action from parents has an effect on children who observe and then do the same in their upcoming life.
4. Though theoretically we can draw a line between the school influence and parental influence, in reality it is merely a matter of degrees since these two influences are not mutually exclusive.