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雨花区环球雅思6分培训2023/11/30 11:50:09

导语概要掌握雅思听说读写核心基础必备技能 课程内容 个性化课程定制:精准定位语言能力,定制专属学习方案 “讲-练-考”学习模式,掌握核心考试必备技能 针对雅思考试必需的技能,从听、说、读、写、词汇、
对于很多烤鸭来说,雅思阅读判断题始终是最痛苦的“折磨”,甚至很多高分选手都有可能最后败在判断题手下。很多同学对于判断题做法反应往往是跟着感觉走,或者过度依赖一些套路解题,其中的问题之一在于,很多考生容易有一种思维定式:只要题目中定位词在文章中没有出现那么就一定是Not Given。




题出自剑桥雅思七Test 3 Passage 3 的28题:

Problems in Nordic countries were excluded because they are outside the European Economic Community.(北欧国家的问题被排除在外是因为他们不属于欧共体)。

可以通过Nordic countries等定位到段倒数第二句:

Those confined to particular geographical areas, such as countries bordering Mediterranean or the Nordic countries therefore had to be discarded.

大部分考生都可能单纯根据the European Economic Community在文中段未出现而误选了Not Given。但本题真正的“题眼”在于因果关系,therefore(因此)真正的原因出现在该句的前一句,即“Their initial task was to decide…” 所以Nordic countries被忽视的原因是会议要决定哪些欧洲相关的森林问题涉及的国家最多并可能成为共同行动的主题,这与题干中的原因相矛盾,所以为False。

本题文章与题目中皆有因果关系存在(therefore与because),但原因不是没有出现而是发生了整体错误的情况,所以即使文章中没有出现European Economic Community,也是False。



我们来看下一个例题——剑桥雅思五 Test 3 Passage 2的Disappearing Delta,本篇第22题:

Sediment in the irrigation canals on the Nile delta causes flooding. (尼罗河三角洲灌溉水道中的沉积物引发了洪水)。

通过定位词sediment / the irrigation canals / flooding可以快速定位到D段,本段的前半部分介绍到了有关irrigation canals的内容,包括长度(more than 10,000 kilometers)、不能携带沉积物(cannot carry sediment)等,但并没有出现有关沉积物与洪水的因果关系,我们并不知道这些沉积物是否会造成洪水,所以此题选Not Given。题目中的因果关系在文章中并没有任何说明,那么未提及的情况则为Not Given。

以上是对于常见因果考点的基础分析,虽然出题比例不是,但重在提示我们千万不要找不到相关定位词就立刻选Not Given,或者随意乱猜。




Today advertising can be seen everywhere in daily life. It has influenced what people think is important and sometimes has negative effects on people’s life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Ø 广告可传递信息(informative)

Ø 广告鼓励人们消费,有利于社会经济发展 (advertising can boost economy by encouraging consumption)

Ø 而且设计美观,可以给我们的生活增添亮色,具有美学效果(well-designed advertisements have aesthetic values, making the world more beautiful)

Ø 广告往往夸大其辞(exaggerating),误导性强(misleading),从而让消费者上当受骗。

Ø 广告往往通过各种方式制造消费欲望,让消费者花钱购买很多不必要的商品(buy things they do not really need),从而引发一系列社会问题(social problems)。

Ø 广告往往显示社会差异,容易让人失去心理平衡。



那么,广告如何影响我们对“生活中什么是重要的”(what we think is important)这个问题的思考呢?我们知道广告在给我们提供商品信息的同时,也在无形中制造了我们的欲望,让我们养成消费的习惯,认为不停消费就是生活,但事实上,过分的消费主义让我们产生无休止的渴望,从而对自己的生活现状不满足,产生不幸福的感觉,同时还可能让我们为了满足物质需要而犯罪。因此,广告的确是必要的,但作为消费者,我们应与广告保持一定距离,避免被被广告洗脑而进行非理性消费。


Nowadays we cannot go anywhere without seeing advertisements of one kind or another. The penetration of advertising into our life has gone so far that sometimes we even feel amazed by its ubiquity. Advertising is, of course, very useful, informing us about what to buy, where to buy and how to buy, but it also has negative effects, especially by transforming what we regard as important in our life.




(2)penetration 渗透

(3)ubiquity 无处不在(n.)

(4)transform 改变

Surrounded by advertisements, we can easily be led to a belief that our life is all about buying things. This widespread consumerism can persuade us into buying many things we do not really need on the one hand, and make us less content withwhat we have on the other, and crave hopelessly for those unattainablecommodities. I still remember a few days ago when walking in front of a supermarket, I saw how a little girl, with her eyes glued to an advertising board,pestered her mother for the expensive toy on it that her mother apparently could not afford. Advertising, then, while providing us with useful commodities information, also creates the unwanted desire at our heart and makes us unhappy.




(2)consumerism 消费主义

(3)persuade someone into... 劝某人做......

(4)be content with... 对......满意

(5)crave for... 渴望......

(6)unattainable 无法获得的

(7)glue to... 粘在......上

(8)pester for 缠着要......

(9)apparently 明显的(=obviously)

Meanwhile, lured by the promises of advertising, some people may choose to commit crimes, which then causes a lot of social problems. A student, for instance, may rob his classmate of an iPhone 8, for he has been told by advertising that iPhone 8 is superior to its previous versions. Likewise, an official may take bribery to buy an expensive house by the lake because the advertising says the luxury of living there is superb.

同时,在广告承诺的诱惑下,有些人可能会选择犯罪,这就造成了很多社会问题。例如,一个学生可能会抢劫他的同学的iPhone 8,因为他从广告中得知,iPhone 8比以前的版本优越。同样地,一位官员可能会接受贿赂,在湖边买一套昂贵的房子,因为广告上写着住在那里可以尽享奢华。



(2)lure 诱惑

(3)be superior to... 比......更好

(4)luxury 奢华

(5)superb 绝妙的;的

Seen in this light, advertising can affect our way of thinking about life and we, therefore, should be cautious about its negative influences while enjoying the benefits it brings us.




(2)seen in this light 从这个角度看

(3)cautious 谨慎小心的


Nowadays we cannot go anywhere without seeing advertisements of one kind or another. The penetration of advertising into our life has gone so far that sometimes we even feel amazed by its ubiquity. Advertising is, of course, very useful, informing us about what to buy, where to buy and how to buy, but it also has negative effects, especially by transforming what we regard as important in our life.

Surrounded by advertisements, we can easily be led to a belief that our life is all about buying things. This widespread consumerism can persuade us into buying many things we do not really need on the one hand, and make us less content with what we have on the other, and crave hopelessly for those unattainable commodities. I still remember a few days ago when walking in front of a supermarket, I saw how a little girl, with her eyes glued to an advertising board, pestered her mother for the expensive toy on it that her mother apparently could not afford. Advertising, then, while providing us with useful commodities information, also creates the unwanted desire at our heart and makes us unhappy.

Meanwhile, lured by the promises of advertising, some people may choose to commit crimes, which then causes a lot of social problems. A student, for instance, may rob his classmate of an iPhone 8, for he has been told by advertising that iPhone 8 is superior to its previous versions. Likewise, an official may take bribery to buy an expensive house by the lake because the advertising says the luxury of living there is superb.

Seen in this light, advertising can affect our way of thinking about life and we, therefore, should be cautious about its negative influences while enjoying the benefits it brings us.


整体来看 part 1除必考的3个话题外,新题旧题各占一半。

part 2事件和物品仍然是占大半,而且串联性比起人物地点相对较弱,人物地点题相对较少,串联性较强。

part 3 依然是互动性比较强,也比较随机。考察相对比较综合的方面,同学们备考这部分需要注意积累素材,拓宽思路,而且针对这部分的复习需要结合目标分数。



比如今年的场考试中,part 1的sky,17年1-4月的part 2的死亡题卡a historical period,很久没出现过的人物题卡a handsome man or beautiful woman you meet等又以老题轮换的形式回到了题库里面;

另外还有旧题变型的形式,比如上个考季的part 2 animal题卡目前以2变1的形式在part 1中进行考察;

整体看来对part 1的考察更偏向生活化,比如sleeping, coffee or tea, morning routines, driving等生活化相关的话题;

而part 2的考察更偏向细节化,这个其实也不难理解,因为熟悉雅思口语考试的同学都知道在备考的时候串联话题卡是一个很好的减轻备考量的方式,而很多同学也会选择这样做,那作为出题方的应对策略就是增加part 2描述对象的限定成分,把描述对象更细节化,这样串联题卡就会变的比较难,对相关话题词汇的要求也比较高。



大家都知道雅思口语考试属于输出类的考试,而且他是real time communication也就是即时交流,临场思考时间很少,基本等于没有,想要在口语考场上针对各种各样的话题流利地表达自己的想法,并且就一些比较大的社会问题和现象跟考官进行深入的双向讨论,就需要提前进行大量的输入,积累相关的话题词汇及表达,素材及思路;

do lots lots of reading and listening,而且在听和读的同时不要只看内容,作为language learners我们要关注的还有表达方式,并通过复述练习把这些好的表达方式变成你可以在即时交流中真正用得起来的;

其实这也是刚好对应着我们口语评分标准中的lexical resources 和fluency & coherence;当你有了大量的话题相关词汇及表达以及素材的时候,他就已经帮你解决了说什么和怎么说的问题;也就是你的流力度也得到了很大程度的提高;


针对part 1和part 2比较简单直接,直接刷题库就可以了,因为part 1和part 2考官是必须要按照题库出题的;

而针对part 3的复习方式不太一样是因为part 3考官是被允许和考生进行互动的,也就是考官可以随机出题问你,你也不知道你会被考到什么样的问题,这个时候的输入就需要你走出舒适圈,可能要去看一些你平时不会太关注的的话题甚至是一些你平时不感兴趣的话题,你都需要去看去读,去得到更多的思路才能在part 3相对自如地应对考官的问题。






其实,无论是写作还是口语,不用太担心我们的观点是否被考官认同,只要贴合题目,表述清晰,自圆其说就可以咯, 因为雅思考试是评测考生英语能力的考试,而不是讲故事大赛!

无数经历了血雨腥风的烤鸭们都给雅思写作投上了最难拿分的一票,尤其是分值比例大费力还不讨好的Part 2.大家总是觉得对于话题很难把握,费尽心思为自己的论点想出佐证的理由和依据,刚要提笔开始写,又突然怀疑起自己的观点考官会不会喜欢,阅卷老师是否认同。然而毕竟时间辣么紧张,于是开始边落笔边惆怅,越写越心虚…



大家写下各种各样的论点和看法后,我们亲爱的考官们都会非常认真地阅读大家对于题目的所有观点和想法,根据官方的写作评分标准,对你的文章给出公正合理的评分,不会因为是否赞同你的观点而让你的分数受到任何影响滴!所以说呢,大家不要有压力,看准题目要求, 把握好时间,理清思绪尽管大胆写,keep calm and be brave! 雅思考官呀,萝卜青菜全都爱呢~

总之,无论是雅思考试中的哪一项, 来自考官的官方建议是“切记认真仔细阅读和聆听题目,只要你的回答和题目密切相关,并且你的用词准确,表述清楚,你的观点好坏、考官赞同与否是不会影响你的考试成绩的”,拿下高分完全木有问题,妥妥的走上人生!

2019年8月31日雅思大作文题目:网络时代,我们还需要博物馆和艺术馆吗?Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will be not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?






People today can shop, work and communicate with others via the Internet. They don't need to do these face to face. Is it a positive or negative development?【不需要面对面交流了】


Some people think it's necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries. However, other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the Internet.Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion. 【不需要旅游了】

2014.10.18 / 2017. 10. 5

It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. We can learn from books, films and internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【不需要旅游了】


People can work and study on the Internet without going to school or the company. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 【不需要去上学,不需要去上班了】


In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development? 【不需要去购物,去上班,面对面交流了】


Some people think government should build public libraries in every town. Others believe it is a waste of money because we can get information via internet at home. Discuss both views. 【不需要图书馆了】


Museums are getting less important, when people can have access to information on the Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【不需要博物馆了】


Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important to a child's education than going to school. However, others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 【不需要学校和老师了】


那么,就这类题目,我们应该看到双面性:一方面,现代信息科技的确丰富了我们信息获取的路径,让信息获取变得更加便捷容易,但是信息科技并不能取代学校、图书馆、博物馆,乃至旅游、购物,原因有三:(1)网络信息庞杂,来源不明,以讹传讹很多,因此不是很可靠(unreliable);(2)网络信息零碎(fragmented),流于肤浅(superficial),因此不是很系统(systematic);(3)网络毕竟是冷冰冰的技术,缺乏人与人交流的温度(warmth),而实地旅游、购物、上学、上班、去博物馆、图书馆会带来一种人际体验(interpersonal contact),而人际体验是我们人生的重要组成部分(interpersonal contact is an important part of our life’s experience)。



Most museums and art galleries now have an online presence, but it can be argued that the virtualreproduction will never substitute the physical historical objects and works of art featured on exhibition.



(1) 本段先引出话题:我们在网上能看到博物馆和艺术馆;然后提出观点:这些网上的东西永远不会取代实物。

(2) Presence 存在;在场

(3) Virtual 虚拟的

(4) Reproduction 复制(品)

(5) Substitute 取代

Nowadays, there are numerous online projects aimed at making museums and art galleries more accessible by digitizing collections and uploading videos, photos, and other documents of culture and art, so that the Internet users can browse the digital spaces without having to physically visit these institutions. This is indeed a big advantage, since visiting museums and galleries in person takes time and money, particularly as it often involves traveling great distances.



(1) 本段论述网上访问博物馆和艺术馆的好处:节约时间金钱和精力。因为这个不是本文论述的重点,因此不必详细论证。

(2) Accessible 可以访问的

(3) Digitize 使数字化

(4) Browse 浏览

(5) Involve 包含;涉及

Yet this does not mean that public museums and art galleries will no longer be needed. In fact, despite the rise of the Internet, visiting brick-and-mortar museums and art galleries remains popular world-wide. While exhibitions on Web sites can look like the actual objects, there is nothing like seeing the real ones in physical buildings. In other words, browsing an online museum or gallery cannot matchthe live experience of feeling the place and emotionally being inspired.



(1) 本段讨论现场参观博物馆和艺术馆的优点之一:现场感受更强烈。

(2) Brick-and-mortar 实体的

(3) Match 与......匹配

(4) The live experience 现场体验

(5) Inspire 启发;给.......灵感

Besides, information acquired from the Internet may be incomplete or even mistaken, reflecting only the perspectives or attitudes of people who give the information. You may feel frustrated, for example, when you try to find out how Terra Cotta Warriors look like from behind since all pictures online only show their faces.



(1) 本段讨论现场参观博物馆和艺术馆的原因之二:自己看更全面。本段用例证法。

(2) Mistaken 错误的

(3) Perspective 视角;角度

In conclusion, even when people can pay a virtual visit to museums and art galleries, they still need to go to the real ones in order to obtain the valuable personal experience and avoid being misled by the information online.




(2)Pay a virtual visit to... 网上访问/参观......

(3)Valuable 宝贵的

Most museums and art galleries now have an online presence, but it can be argued that the virtual reproduction will never substitute the physical historical objects and works of art featured on exhibition.

Nowadays, there are numerous online projects aimed at making museums and art galleries more accessible by digitizing collections and uploading videos, photos, and other documents of culture and art, so that the Internet users can browse the digital spaces without having to physically visit these institutions. This is indeed a big advantage, since visiting museums and galleries in person takes time and money, particularly as it often involves traveling great distances.

Yet this does not mean that public museums and art galleries will no longer be needed. In fact, despite the rise of the Internet, visiting brick-and-mortar museums and art galleries remains popular world-wide. While exhibitions on Web sites can look like the actual objects, there is nothing like seeing the real ones in physical buildings. In other words, browsing an online museum or gallery cannot match the live experience of feeling the place and emotionally being inspired.

Besides, information acquired from the Internet may be incomplete or even mistaken, reflecting only the perspectives or attitudes of people who give the information. You may feel frustrated, for example, when you try to find out how Terra Cotta Warriors look like from behind since all pictures online only show their faces.

In conclusion, even when people can pay a virtual visit to museums and art galleries, they still need to go to the real ones in order to obtain the valuable personal experience and avoid being misled by the information online.

(273 words)


1. Most museums and art galleries now have an online presence, but it can be argued that the virtual reproduction will never substitute the physical historical objects and works of art featured on exhibition.


2. Nowadays, there are numerous online projects aimed at making museums and art galleries more accessible by digitizing collections and uploading videos, photos, and other documents of culture and art, so that the Internet users can browse the digital spaces without having to physically visit these institutions.


3. While exhibitions on Web sites can look like the actual objects, there is nothing like seeing the real ones in physical buildings.


4. Besides, information acquired from the Internet may be incomplete or even mistaken, reflecting only the perspectives or attitudes of people who give the information.


5. In conclusion, even when people can pay a virtual visit to museums and art galleries, they still need to go to the real ones in order to obtain the valuable personal experience and avoid being misled by the information online.





雅思虽是一门重方法,讲技巧的考试,但只靠技巧没有知识储备是得不了高分的。词汇大概是许多同学非常头痛的瓶颈,整天背得头晕脑涨但第二天照忘不误。我试过许多方法,比如将同词根的单词归类、联想记忆,或是制作单词小卡片贴得满屋都是,没事就看两眼。这些方法都起了一定的效果,也很适合长期积累使用。但对于近期就要考试的朋友而言,我建议大家在阅读、背诵中积累词汇。我在平时就有阅读英语杂志的习惯,考前也一直没停,但已不是泛泛地随着兴趣读,而是有目的地挑选文章。我会挑一些与雅思写作或口语题目相关的如“Does Google make us stupid ?”“The Graduates”等具有时事、评述性的文章。如果遇到能用得上的句子或段落就把它们背下来,随时可以活用到自己的的作文里,在关键时候让我们的雅思大作文或口语答案出彩。








2. 优质的教学质量,紧紧围绕课堂教学,优化教学过程,增强教学的有效性











