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长沙高中雅思培训2023/11/30 11:50:03



Do the dangers derived from the use of chemicals in food production and preservation outweigh the advantages?


It has been claimed that people use several chemicals in the process of production and preservation. My view is that the disadvantages of using chemicals far outweigh the advantages.

It cannot be denied that people are more likely to use chemicals as a way to extend the time of food preservation, because it can help businessman gain more profits. For example, some agricultural products like vegetables and fruits are easily to become stale when they experience long-term transportation. If not adding some chemicals ingredients to protect food, merchants will suffer great economic damages.

However, there are several disadvantages of over-use chemicals. One the one hand, some of the chemicals ingredients cannot be resoled by digest system, which could effects human health. If chemicals remain in people body for a long time, it may cause diseases like cardiovascular, stomachache or lung disease etc. One the other hand, remain chemicals’ elements also damage natural environment. Some farmers use pesticides to protect agricultural products from destroying by harmful insects. However, the remains that cannot resole by ecosystem may pollute surrounding water and soil. To a large extent, if animal drink the water or eat the food, the may died by those poison food. What’s more, in the process of producing food, the contaminants that are made by factories directly pour into rivers, also cause habitat destruction, in this way, it account for the loss of biodiversity.

In conclusion, my view is that the disadvantages of this trend far outweigh advantages. If people control the use of chemicals, we will become healthier and also can enhance the human condition.


评分:按照雅思写作评分标准的四个方面,唐老师给本习作的评分如下:Task response: 6.5; Coherence: 6.5; Vocabulary: 5.5; Grammar: 5.5。Overall: 6




第1段:It has been claimed that people use several chemicals in the process of production and preservation. My view is that the disadvantages of using chemicals far outweigh the advantages.

【唐老师修改】It has been claimed by many that there is nothing wrong using chemicals in food production and preservation. My view, however, is that the disadvantages of using chemicals far outweigh its advantages.

【唐老师点评】it has been claimed...后面应该接一个观点,但原文不是一个观点,只是一种现象。

第2段:It cannot be denied that people are more likely to use chemicals as a way to extend the time of food preservation, because it can help businessmangain more profits. For example, some agricultural products like vegetables and fruits are easily to become stale when they experience long-term transportation. If not adding some chemicals ingredients to protect food, merchants will suffer great economic damages.

【唐老师修改】It cannot be denied that people are more likely to use chemicals as a way to extend the time of food preservation, because it can help businessmen gain more profits. For example, some agricultural products like vegetables and fruits are easy to become stale when they experience long-term transportation. Without some chemical ingredients to protect them, merchants will suffer heavy economic losses.

【唐老师点评】本段错误不多,稍微改正,感觉可以冲7分了。(1) businessman是单数,此处宜做复数;(2)vegetables and fruits are easily to become stale...中的easily是副词,这里宜用形容词easy或者vegetables and fruits easily become stale...;(3)if not adding some chemical ingredients...是非常典型的中式表达,相当于“不如不添加一些化学成分”,但其实最合适的英文表达是“without some chemical ingredients” (如果没有一些化学成分”);(4)economic damages表达不合适,宜为economic losses.

第3段:However, there are several disadvantages of over-use chemicals. One the one hand, some of the chemicals ingredients cannot be resoled by digest system, which could effects human health. If chemicals remain in people bodyfor a long time, it may cause diseases like cardiovascular, stomachache or lung disease. One the other hand, remain chemicals’ elements also damage natural environment. Some farmers use pesticides to protect agricultural products from destroying by harmful insects. However, the remains thatcannot resole by ecosystem may pollute surrounding water and soil. To a large extent, if animal drink the water or eat the food, they may died by those poison food. What’s more, in the process of producing food, the contaminants that are made by factories directly pour into rivers, also cause habitat destruction, in this way, it account for the loss of biodiversity.

【唐老师修改】However, there are several disadvantages of over-using chemicals. One the one hand, some chemicals cannot be resolved by digestive system, and cause harmful effects on human health. If chemicals remain in our body for a long time, they may lead to diseases like cardiovascular, stomachache or lung disease. One the other hand, chemicals also damage natural environment. For instance, some farmers use pesticides to protect agricultural products from harmful insects. However, the remains that cannot be resolved by ecosystem may pollute surrounding water and soil. If animals drink the water or eat the food, they may be poisoned. What’s more, in the process of producing food, the contaminants made by factories are directly poured into rivers, and cause habitat destruction, which accounts for the loss of biodiversity.

【唐老师点评】这个段落原文共143个单词,8个句子,却出现了多达12个基本语言错误!这样的作文,就算思想再深刻,得分也不可能高于6分。(1)over-use chemicals应为over using chemicals,或者chemical over-use(把over-use当作名词使用);(2)some of the chemicals应为some chemicals。Some of the...指某一范围内的“一些”,some...则没有限定范围;(3)digest system应为digestive system(消化系统);(4)effects应为affect(影响);(5)people body应为our body; (6)it应为they,这里代词指代的是前文的复数chemicals。代词使用是中国英语学习者的一个很大的难题,经常出现错误。(7)remain chemicals’ elements似乎想表达“残留的化学成分”,但完全不符合规范,不如直接说“化学物质”(chemicals),考试中不要试图去表达不会表达的内容。(8)protect agricultural products from destroying by harmful insects应为...protect agricultural products from being destroyed by harmful insects,或者更简洁的...protect agricultural products from harmful insects. (9)cannot resolve应为被动语态cannot be resolved。(10)they may died by those poison food应为they may die from those poisoned food,但前文提及water 和food,因而这里仅说poisoned food也不合适,因此宜改为they may be poisoned。(11)...the contaminants that are made by factories directly pour into rivers中,主语是the contaminants,谓语是pour into rivers,两者是被动关系,因此应该是...the contaminants made by factories are directly poured into rivers。(12)...in this way, it account for the loss of biodiversity中it指代不明。

第4段:In conclusion, my view is that the disadvantages of this trend far outweigh advantages. If people control the use of chemicals, we will become healthier and also can enhance the human condition.

【唐老师修改】In conclusion, the disadvantages of chemical use in food production and preservation far outweigh the advantages. Though it helps increase profits for businesses, it may cause great dangers to our life as well as the environment. If we control the use of chemicals, we will become healthier and our living conditions will also be improved.

【唐老师点评】结尾没有总结出全文观点,修改文黑体字增加了一句总结观点。最后一句中,people, we, human condition不停转换,代词游离不定,让人着急,可以统一为人称。



1.We will be successful as long as we…. (只要我们……,我们就会成功的) 例如:We will be successful as long as we insist on working hard.


  2.No matter + wh-从句,…, 例如:No matter how difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it.


  注意:此句型一般可以改为疑问词+ever引导的从句,+主句 例如:Whatever he asks you to do, please refuse him.


  3.It’s useless/ no good / no use doing sth. (做……是没有用的) 例如:It’s no use crying over spilt milk.


  4.The reason why + 从句is that + 从句(……的原因是……) 例如:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.


  5、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)

  ~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)

  Lack of interpersonal skills is one of the most serious defects that we have ever known about today’s college students.


  6、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V

  Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V

  例句:For parents, nothing is more important than to educate children in a proper way.


  7、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.


  例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting celebrities’ privacy too much.


  8、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...)

  例句:There is no denying that the practicality of our higher education has gone from bad to worse.


  9、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道...)

  例句:It is universally acknowledged that it is the doctor’s duty and obligation to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.


  10、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的...)

  例句:There is no doubt that the Internet is far more convenient and efficient than the written word or other conventional means of conveying meaning.






















Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment.Why is this happening?

What measures can be taken to tackle this problem?



  When people break the laws and get caught, they will face relevant penalty.



  * break the law而不是laws,没有s才对。

  * penalty可数于是应该是penalties。


  * 一个意思简单信息量并不丰富的句子其实没有必要再用“状语从句+主句”的方式来写。其实,读起来拖沓。


  * face relevant penalty读起来就感觉生硬呢。

  * relevant其实没有必要,感人感觉,作者在强调“是对应的惩罚哟,没有乱责罚哟”。



  The penalty for their criminal conduct may be less deterrent than it should be.

  *不用定语从句修饰penalty,一是更符合习惯用法a/the penalty for something;二是避免了动词就避免了时态语态错误的可能。

  * 原本由compared with构建的比较换成由than构建的比较级。

  * deterrent这个词的意思是“有威慑(力)的”,是不是意思更具体更有细节?当然是更好的词汇选择。


  * 用语细节的错误,见功力,考官可不会跟我们客气,小错误不会就这么算了的。

  * 信息简单的句子,能简洁就不要繁琐,no作no die。

  * 形容词可能带有性质性的说明甚至一定程度的强调,当我们没有强调事物的性质的时候,慎用或者干脆不用呗,少个没必要的形容词不可惜。


4月13日雅思大作文题目:Some people believe famous people's support for international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important.Discuss both of the views and give your opinion.

That celebrities speak for charitable (慈善的)organizations is commonplace (常见的). Although some people worry that the attention is paid to those stars rather than the issues, the actual case is the opposite of the concern. The celebrities’ stardom (明星光环/地位) is often well utilized (使xxx发挥作用)and successfully directs people’s attention to the problems. [措辞上避开人称的讨论更显客观]

[行文:先让步讨论反方的想法] It is reasonable to have the concern that people and the media may be off-topic when they see celebrities. People, especially the fans, are likely to be curious about the stars’ personal lives and careers or interested in other things, such as their styles, and the media, especially the tabloids (报道花边新闻的小报), often consider it as their job to find gossip. [行文:然后转折讨论反方想法的漏洞] However, it is only when celebrities make appearances as pure entertainers that the public and the media pay attention to those matters. [强调句:only when引导的(时间)条件状语被强调] People are rational (理智的) when they see the stars are ambassadors (代言人/形象大使)of charitable activities. [行文:必要时举例诠释道理] For example, when a famous actor speaks for the starving (挨饿的) children in some impoverished (贫穷的)areas of the world [注意对应题目中的international], people are more likely to find the issue serious than to find the star adorable (讨喜的). [讨论对方漏洞的时候,其实往往也是讨论自己的立场的合理性]

As a matter of fact, famous performers and athletes [通过细化人群来换词] can direct people’s attention to the problems first because their high social status enables them to be credible and persuasive (有说服力的). [然后细化解释] In others words, when the celebrities are concerned about the sufferings (痛苦的遭遇) and misery (悲惨)of some disadvantaged groups (弱势群体) or victims, people tend to follow them out of their faith (信任/信心)in the stars [讲清楚“为什么”]. In addition, since these charitable establishments know their jobs are serious missions, they are careful with their choice of endorsers (支持者). They have abundant (丰富的) experience in finding the most appropriate ambassadors—stars who have few scandals (丑闻) and stars who would not create the excessive impression of amusement (n. 惹人发笑)or entertainment. As desired, people’s eye is often caught by the problems instead of the celebrities themselves.

In conclusion, it is normal that some people are concerned about the deviation (n. 偏离) of the public’s attention. However, they do not need to be [语法:省略(重复的)]. In fact, famous people's advocate (n. (公开)支持) for international aid organizations can successfully draw the attention to problems.



Some people think that libraries are no longer necessary in modern society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


timg (5).jpg


This situation provokes our thoughts about the necessity of the existence of physical libraries.


the necessity of the existence of physical libraries 实在是一个读起来不太舒服的表达,生硬了。





This situation provokes our thoughts about whether or not bricks-and-mortar libraries are necessary.


1、whether or not bricks-and-mortar libraries are necessary

2、另外,原句中的physical其实是对的,只是换用 bricks-and-mortar(字面意思是“砖头和砂浆”,意思是“实体的”)也许更好。




2. 优质的教学质量,紧紧围绕课堂教学,优化教学过程,增强教学的有效性











