连读现象在雅思听力中极为常见。因为雅思听力考的是口语,而口语必有连读。 英语是这样,汉语和世界上任何语言都是如此。传说古英语中并没有字母W,只有常连在一起双写的U(UU)。两个U(DOUBLE U)连在一起写草了,便成了W的形状;连在一起读快了,便成了[dAblju:]读音。久而久之,双写的U就成了现在字母W。又如汉语的“甭”字,起初只是口语中“不”和“用”形成的一个连读音变,久而久之人们又把两个字合写成一个字,于是连读便创造出了一个新的汉字。考生只需稍加留意便会发现连读的作用和影响在雅思听力中也是无处不在。
雅思听力中很多题目的考试关键经常是落在某个习语或词组上。只要这个关键词听懂了,即使其余内容都未听懂,这个题目也能做对。相反,考生即使听懂了其他的内容,但这个关键性的习语或词组未听懂,那么这个题目必然失分。多数情况下,这种关键词的书面形式考生相当熟悉,在语法、阅读等书面考试中绝不会因此失分。可一旦在 磁带上变为了听力,考生却不认识这些最熟悉的词了。连读造成的失分首当其冲便是这种情况。
像词组not at all(—点也不)考生都很熟悉。雅思听力一旦考到它,便把这三个小词紧紧挨在一起,放在一个长句子中间,然后发生强烈的连读。于是考生就听不出这是他们最熟悉的not at all词组。
比如一个单句题:The meeting yesterday wasn' t at all boring.
A. The meeting was rather interesting.
B. The meeting wasn' t held yesterday after all.
C. We didn' t go to all of yesterday's meetings.
D. We brought everything to the meeting.
做这个题时,前半句的the meeting yesterday读得缓慢清晰,考生听得很清楚。句尾的boring因重读考生听得也很清楚。但在yesterday与boring之间,考生虽然也感觉到疙疙瘩瘩有点东西,却不知道到底是什么。于是便开始浮想联翩,并夹进自己的生活体验:“开会肯定是无聊的(boring)!”因此,正确选项A反倒不敢选,在另外三个选项中瞎猜一个,这道题便做错了。
例如for和him,任何说英语的人都不会不认识这两个词。在雅思听力中,for him 搭配在一块,很多考生可能听不懂了。因为for的[r]要击穿him的[h]音,直接与him 的[i]音连读,于是for him在听觉上就成了for [rim]。还有,for和him这两个小词在句子中经常要被弱读,for读作[f?], him的[i]音也变作了[?]音,这样for him就成了 [f?r?m],发音完全等同于单词forum的弱读形式。有时候,for的元音部分因过于弱化而完全消失,这时的for him的发音成了[fr?m],在听觉上就与单词from无异了。这也就使得对连读等音变现象不熟的考生听不出处于上下文中的for him 了。
2019年11月30日雅思大作文题目: 当今时代不需要动物食品或动物产品了吗?In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, some people think it unnecessary for us touse animals for food, clothing, or medicines any longer because modern technology has found the substitutes for them. While I certainly agree that now we do not have to kill wild animals for the purpose of our survival, I think we need food from domestic animals for our health.
(1) 文章段提出自己观点:人类无需为了生存而杀害野生动物,但为了健康,仍需要以家禽家畜为食。这里看出,本题解题关键在于,将animal分为两类:一类是野生动物,另一类是家养动物,然后分别讨论我们对两类动物的态度。
(2) think it unnecessary for sb. to do sth. 认为做什么是没必要的
(3) substitute (for sth.)n. …的替代品
On the one hand, we should protect wild animals, especially the endangered species of animals and recognize their importance to the entire eco-system. Some people hunt after endangered animals just to make beautiful clothes. This kind of behavior should be prohibited. Hunting rare animals will lead to their extinction and affect the animal diversity, which is detrimental to the balance between nature and animal. Therefore, wild animals ought to be protected, and we can’t satisfy our own pleasure at the price of their extinction.
(1) 本段主要阐释野生动物有利于生物多样性和生态系统的平衡,因而野生动物应该受到保护,人类的利益不应以动物的灭绝为代价。
(2) recognize 承认,recognize their importance to 承认…对…的重要性
(3) at the price of 以…为代价
But we still need some domestic animals such as chickens and ducks to supply our daily diet and nutrition. As we all know, meat provides a variety of nutrition that is difficult to obtain from vegetables and fruit. Some microelements in the meat can help prevent diseases too. For the sake of human beings’ health, we need to balance our diet so that it contains both meat and vegetables. It seems that it’s impossible to completely remove meat from our table. The same is true to clothing. The hide of animals like cow and sheep can strengthen the durability of the clothes.
(1) 本段主要阐释动物在人类饮食结构和衣着中的必要性(能平衡人的饮食结构增加衣服的耐久性)。
(2) a variety of=various/a range of/diverse 注意“多种多样”的同义表达
(3) for the sake of 为了…起见
To sum up, while modern technology has made it quite necessary for us to kill wild animals to keep us from hunger and cold, we are still in great need of animal products for our own benefits.
(1) 本段得出结论:我们仍旧十分需要动物产品。
(2) To sum up 表示总结,看了这么多关于总结的表达,“考鸭”们能想到什么同义替换呢?
(3) be in great need of 十分需要
Nowadays, some people think it unnecessary for us to use animals for food, clothing, or medicines any longer because modern technology has found the substitutes for them. While I certainly agree that now we do not have to kill wild animals for the purpose of our survival, I think we need food from domestic animals for our health.
On the one hand, we should protect wild animals, especially the endangered species of animals and recognize their importance to the entire eco-system. Some people hunt after endangered animals just to make beautiful clothes. This kind of behavior should be prohibited. Hunting rare animals will lead to their extinction and affect the animal diversity, which is detrimental to the balance between nature and animal. Therefore, wild animals ought to be protected, and we can’t satisfy our own pleasure at the price of their extinction.
But we still need some domestic animals such as chickens and ducks to supply our daily diet and nutrition. As we all know, meat provides a variety of nutrition that is difficult to obtain from vegetables and fruit. Some microelements in the meat can help prevent diseases too. For the sake of human beings’ health, we need to balance our diet so that it contains both meat and vegetables. It seems that it’s impossible to completely remove meat from our table. The same is true to clothing. The hide of animals like cow and sheep can strengthen the durability of the clothes.
To sum up, while modern technology has made it quite necessary for us to kill wild animals to keep us from hunger and cold, we are still in great need of animal products for our own benefits.
(286 words)
1. Nowadays, some people think it unnecessary for us to use animals for food, clothing, or medicines any longer because modern technology has found the substitutes for them.
2. Hunting rare animals will lead to their extinction and affect the animal diversity, which is detrimental to the balance between nature and animal.
3. For the sake of human beings’ health, we need to balance our diet so that it contains both meat and vegetables.
4. To sum up, while modern technology has made it quite necessary for us to kill wild animals to keep us from hunger and cold, we are still in great need of animal products for our own benefits.