很多同学在雅思听力考试的填空题中一路“过关斩将”——审题时做出了正确的预判、识别出了答案前后的同意替换表达、避开了容易中招的陷阱答案、准确定位到了答案词,可谓是春风得意、胜券在握,直到来到了大“boss”的面前,心里一咯噔——哎呀,这个词怎么拼来着???而听力材料并不会给你时间纠结,往往在这个时候,已经往下报了一到两题了。“一失足成千古恨”啊,如果这种情况发生在Section 1,很容易影响同学们的心态,从而影响整场听力考试的发挥。
有的同学一个个字母开始拼了:“M-A-I-N-T-A-I-N——后面是什么来着,名词很常见的M-E-N-T?”,有的同学有点不屑:“这个词好像挺长,按读音来就好了嘛,maintain重音在t前面,后面变名词加个尾巴不就是/meɪnˈteɪnəns/嘛,maintainance!”,但是,这个拼写对吗?我们先来看一下正确的发音:/ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns/,重音从/t/移到了最前面,这个单词最容易出现拼写错误位置的发音也从 /teɪ/ 变成了 /t(ə)/ ,因此,正确的拼写是“maintenance”。
C7T4S4中第40题的答案——saltiness tells us that a food contains /ˈmɪn(ə)rəls/. 不少同学对这个词前半部分的拼写没有什么疑问,M-I-N-E-R-……写到这里,很容易联想刚刚听到的是个复数,写成R-O-S-E。这时候不妨联想一下常见单词national,/ˈnaʃ(ə)n(ə)l/,帮助我们确定尾音-A-L-S的拼写。
今天新航道小编分享最近的一篇雅思写作范文,就是1月16日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 没有室外空间,好还是坏?下面我们一起来看看详细的解析与雅思高分范文吧!
With growing population in cities, more and more people live in homes with small or no outdoor areas. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
关键词:growing population(人口增长)+ homes with no outdoor areas(没有室外空间)
很多烤鸭可能会使用一边倒来处理这个题目。比如,认为这个现象当然是不好的:没有花园,就没有空间从事一些与工作无关的休闲活动,只能在屋子里看电视,这对人的身心都不利;此外,没有空间,就势必减少很多社交的机会,这会导致人与人之间的隔阂和孤独。这样写未必不可,表达好了也是好作文。但唐老师想提醒一下,本题还有一个关键词,即growing population,前面的观点没有涉及这个关键词,因此建议分类双边讨论,即除了以上讨论的负面影响外,还讨论一下其产生的正面影响:没有室外空间,就节约了地方,可以建更多楼房,解决不断增长的人口带来的住房压力。最后的结论就是:室外空间小了,对个人而言是不利的,但对于整个城市居民的生活而言,则是有利的。
01、People used to live in houses with huge outdoor areas like a garden or backyard, but this is no longer possible for many people as a result of the relentless development ofurbanisation. For individual city dwellers, this trend is not a good one, though for the city as a whole, it is positive.
(1) 本段利用对比的方法提出问题,然后直接给出自己的观点。
(2) As a result of 由于......
(3) Relentless 无情的
(4) Urbanisation 城镇化
02、With dwindled outdoor areas, people will find themselves confined to the limited number of indoor activities. If in the past they were able to engage in such activities as walking, gardening, weeding, and planting in their backyard, when they got back home from work, now what people can do is sitting in the sofa and watching TV. While being detrimental to their physical health, this will also make their life untolerably boring, especially for those who love to take care of flowers and plants or to take outdoor exercises.
(1) 本段论证室外空间减少带来的坏的影响之一:活动减少带来身体问题。
(2) Dwindle 减少;变小
(3) Be confined to... 被局限于......
(4) Engage in 从事
03、Worse still, without enough outdoor spaces, people will not be able to find many opportunities to interact with each other. They will spend most of their off-work time isolated in their match-box of homes. As this goes on, they will grow more and more lonely and indifferent to their neighbors. This lack of soical life may result in many mental problems.
(1) 本段讨论户外空间减少的另一个问题:导致互相隔离。
(2) Isolate 隔离
(3) Match-box of homes 火柴盒般的家
(4) Result in 导致
04、The disappearing outdoor space will do harm to the individual city dwellers both physically and psychologically, but it is necessary for the overall urban development. As more and more poeple rush into the cities, the government will have to address their housing and traffic issues. By reducing the outdoor areas, the government can build more houses and roads so as to meet the basic demands of all people.
(1) 本段讨论减少户外空间对整个城市发展的必要性。
(2) Disappearing 逐渐消失的
(3) Overall 整体的
(4) Address 解决;应对
People used to live in houses with huge outdoor areas like a garden or backyard, but this is no longer possible for many people as a result of the relentless development of urbanisation. For individual city dwellers, this trend is not a good one, though for the city as a whole, it is positive.
With dwindled outdoor areas, people will find themselves confined to the limited number of indoor activities. If in the past they were able to engage in such activities as walking, gardening, weeding, and planting in their backyard, when they got back home from work, now what people can do is sitting in the sofa and watching TV. While being detrimental to their physical health, this will also make their life untolerably boring, especially for those who love to take care of flowers and plants or to take outdoor exercises.
Worse still, without enough outdoor spaces, people will not be able to find many opportunities to interact with each other. They will spend most of their off-work time isolated in their match-box of homes. As this goes on, they will grow more and more lonely and indifferent to their neighbors. This lack of soical life may result in many mental problems.
The disappearing outdoor space will do harm to the individual city dwellers both physically and psychologically, but it is necessary for the overall urban development. As more and more poeple rush into the cities, the government will have to address their housing and traffic issues. By reducing the outdoor areas, the government can build more houses and roads so as to meet the basic demands of all people.