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广州新航道寒假托福培训2023/12/2 15:59:40




1. 不完整的句子

(1) If you find that writing is hard is because it is hard. One of the hardest things that people do.

If you find that writing is hard is because it is hard—one of the hardest things that people do.

(2) Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world. A gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.

Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world, a gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.

Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.

2. 分词短语作状语的错误

Holding her in his arms, the moon hid behind the cloud.

As soon as the moon hid behind the cloud, he held her in his arms.

3. 修饰词错位

(1) Romeo received word that Juliet was dead from another messenger.

Romeo received word from another messenger that Juliet was dead.

(2) After leaving the stage, the audience’s applause called the musicians back for an encore.

After the musicians left the stage, the audience’s applause called them back for an encore.

(3) Disruptive in the classroom, a teacher may become exasperated with hyperactive children.

Disruptive in the classroom, hyperactive children may exasperate a teacher.

4. 串句

Unproductive or uncooperative workers can seriously harm an organization, for this reason, employers need to have accurate information about employee performance, but when employees have full access to their own personnel files, co-workers and even supervisors will often find it difficult to give frank criticism of underachievers or to report troublemakers.

Unproductive or uncooperative workers can seriously harm an organization; for this reason, employers need to have accurate information about employee performance. But when employees have full access to their own personnel files, co-workers and even supervisors will often find it difficult to give frank criticism of underachievers or to report troublemakers.

5. 时态错误

The researchers admitted that they falsified crucial data in the study.

The researchers admitted that they had falsified crucial data in the study.

6. 代词错误

(1) Too often people either keep their feelings to themselves or take it our on others.

Too often people either keep their feelings to themselves or take them our on others.

(2) Each girl and boy must do their part to keep the home fires burning.

Each girl and boy must do her or his part to keep the home fires burning.

(3) This college has their own entrance requirements.

This college has its own entrance requirements.

(4) If one wishes to participate in the political process, you can begin by voting regularly.

If one wishes to participate in the political process, one can begin by voting regularly.

(5) The fire in the library was finally put out. For a while, they thought an unhappy employee might have started it.

The fire in the library was finally put out. For a while, the library staff thought an unhappy employee might have started it.

7. 结构混乱

Because Hemingway’s style is simple makes his writing accessible to all readers.

Because Hemingway’s style is simple, his writing is accessible to all readers.

Hemingway’s simple style makes his writing accessible to all readers.





一、 chemistry 化学

1. chemical property 化学特性,化学性质

2. chemical composition ( makeup ) 化学成分

3. chemical agent 化学试剂

4. chemical reaction 化学反应

5. chemical change 化学变化

6. chemical bond 化学键

7. chemical apparatus 化学器械

8. substance(matter;material) 物质

9. element 元素

10. periodic table 周期表

11. hydrogen 氢

12. oxygen 氧

13. nitrogen 氮

14. helium 氦

15. carbon 碳

16. calcium 钙

17. silicon 硅

18. sulfur 硫

19. iodine 碘

20. compound 化合物

21. hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物

22. derivative 衍生物

23. alchemy 炼金术

24. petroleum (oil) 石油

25. petroleum products 石油产品

26. crude oil 原油

27. refine 提炼,精炼

28. gasoline 汽油

29. methane 甲烷

30. solution 溶液

31. dissolve 溶解

32. solvent 溶剂

33. solubility 可溶性

34. cohesive 聚合力

35. adhesive 粘合力

36. atom 原子

37. nucleus 原子核

38. electron 电子

39. neutron 中子

40. proton 质子

41. molecule 分子

42. particle 粒子

43. ion 离子

44. particle accelerator 粒子加速器

45. catalysis (复数 catalyses ) 催化作用

46. catalyst 催化剂

47. artificial 人造的

48. synthetic 合成的

49. synthetic fiber 人造纤维

50. polymer 聚合物

51. polymerization 聚合作用

52. plastic 塑料

53. dye 染料

54. cosmetics 化妆品

二、 physics  物理

1. physics 物理

2. mechanics 力学

3. thermodynamics 热力学

4. acoustics 声学

5. electromagnetism 电磁学

6. optics 光学

7. dynamics 动力学

8. force 力

9. velocity 速度

10. acceleration 加速度

11. equilibrium 平衡

12. statics 静力学

13. motion 运动

14. inertia 惯性

15. gravitation 引力

16. relativity 相对

17. gravity 地心引力

18. vibration 震动

19. medium (media) 媒质

20. frequency 频率

21. wavelength 波长

22. pitch 音高

23. intensity 强度

24. echo 回声

25. resonance 回声,洪亮

26. sonar 声纳

27. ultrasonics 超声学

28. electricity 电

29. static electricity 静电

30. magnetism 磁性,磁力

31. magnet 磁体

32. electromagnet 电磁

33. magnetic field 磁场

34. electric current 电流

35. direct current (DC) 直流电

36. alternating current (AC) 交流电

37. electric circuit 电路

38. electric charge 电荷

39. electric voltage 电压

40. electric shock 触电

41. electric appliance 电器

42. conductor 导体

43. insulator 绝缘体

44. semiconductor 半导体

45. battery (cell) 电池

46. dry battery 干电池

47. storage battery 蓄电池

48. electronics 电子学

49. electronic 电子的

50. electronic component (part) 电子零件

51. integrated circuit 集成电路

52. chip 集成电器片,集成块

53. electron tube 电子管

54. vacuum tube 真空管

55. transistor 晶体管

56. amplification ( 名词 ) 放大

57. amplify (动词)放大

58. amplifier 放大器,扬声器

59. oscillation 震荡

60. optical 光(学)的

61. optical fiber 光学纤维

62. lens 透镜,镜片

63. convex 凸透镜

64. concave 凹透镜

65. microscope 显微镜

66. telescope 望远镜

67. magnifier 放大镜

68. spectrum 光谱

69. ultraviolet 紫外线

70. X rays X 射线

71. Gamma rays γ 射线

72. infrared rays 红外线

73. microwaves 微波

74. dispersion 色散

75. transparent 透明的

76. translucent 半透明

77. opaque 不透明的





Industrial design/art(工业设计/艺术)

City planning(城市规划)

Crafts(weaving,knitting,fabrics,furniture,carving,mosaics,ceramics,folk and tribal art)(手工艺:纺织、编织、织物、家具、雕刻、镶嵌工艺品、陶瓷工艺,以及民间艺术和部落艺术)

Cave/rock art(岩洞/石壁艺术)

Music and music history(音乐和音乐史)


Literature and authors(文学和作家)



Extinction of or conservation efforts for animals and plants (动植物的灭绝或保护)

Fish and other aquatic organisms(鱼类和其他水生生物)

Bacteria.and.other.one-celled organisms(细菌和其他单细胞生物)

Viruses (病毒)

Medical techniques (医疗技术)

Public health(公共卫生)

Physiology of sensory organs (感觉器官的生理机能)

Biochemistry (生物化学)

Animal.behavior(migration,food foraging,defenses)


Habitats.and.the.adaptation.of.animals and plants to them(动植物的栖息地以及动植物对栖息地的适应)

Nutrition.and.its.impact.on.the body(营养及其对机体的影响)

Animal communication(动物交流)



Can advertising tell you a lot about a country?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




Advertising does not mean to educate or illustrate. Primarily it is a vehicle for business and it aims to sell products. As a result, the information we can gather from looking at advertisings is quite limited. However, the cultural ideas used to sell commodities reveal a society's value system, and from the nature of the advertising and the product it aims to sell we can draw conclusions as to which social demography might be the most affluent.

In order to be most effective an advertising campaign will make use of the cultural values of a country. Obviously, companies will be able to sell more products if a great many people relate to the goods and the images used to sell them. For example, in a country like the United States where a great percentage of the population is religious, advertisers use expressions such as heavenly, divine, or revelation, because these have connotations that prospective customers will likely identify with. Similarly, advertisers will try to employ fashion models who embody a culture's ideals of personal beauty, because attractive men and women will sell more products than unattractive ones.

Companies identify social demographics or parts of society that are most likely to buy their products and design their advertisings accordingly. For example, teenage girls are more likely to buy mobile phones than retired factory workers. Thus companies will make use of fashion trends in their ads and probably pay a famous pop singer a big chunk of money to endorse their product. If the majority of all advertisings in a country are geared towards a specific target market or audience, then this part of the population probably has the most financial resources at their disposal.

Although we can learn some things about a country by looking at its advertising we have to remember that this knowledge is limited. After all, advertising is only directed at people who have the means to buy consumer goods. Thus advertising does not tell us anything about the overall prosperity or likes and dislikes of a country. Also, advertising not only reflects but also tries to shape and change cultural values. Therefore, it does not accurately reflect the exact state of a country's culture.





第 一个阶段是识别的过程,要求边听、边看、边读、边写地记单词。在这个阶段,除了需要知道这个单词是什么意思,更要知道这个单词怎么发音,让耳朵记住它。

第二个阶段是巩固的过程,要求同学们合上单词书,只听 MP3 去反应单词的释义和拼写。如果听到不太会的单词,多次重复听,直到大脑反应出释义为止。只有这样才可以把单词真正地记牢,并将其转化为听觉单词。第三个阶段是强化阶段,要求同学们重复第二个阶段,但需要在 MP3 中中文释义出现之前反应出单词的释义,提高对单词的反应速度。










2.答题时宁过勿缺,但如果最后差几秒又实在想不出,则可说:That’s about it (连读) OR That’s everything I can say about this topic .


4.多用习语,口语词,gonna,wanna,thatal = that will,有的词读的短而快,有些则长而慢,注意语音语调的变换。

5.一开始不要说出数字,而说a few points,这样可以防止说不完。




9.3,4题中如果多说阅读中的内容会被减分,不要有什么in the reading passage之类的话。



12.阅读和听力要早答,因为如果慢了则会受到别人口语的干扰。而中间休息的时间则应尽可能的延长,因为如果快了则会在写作时受到别人口语部分的影响。故TOEFL iBT总体应该遵循先快后慢的原则。








2. 优质的教学质量,紧紧围绕课堂教学,优化教学过程,增强教学的有效性











