在2023年7月26日,托福考试将迎来全面升级,而升级后所带来的改变大家大概都有所了解。今天我们来聊一聊改革后,代替了独立写作的新题型——Academic Discussion,我们该如何备考它才能拿满分?
不知道大家发现了没有,有个题型与iBT写作新题型,看起来不能说毫无关系,只能说是一模一样,那就是TOEFL Essentials 写作其中的一个部分,大家可以看下视频介绍对比。
不知道的还以为是同一个考试,只是题目内容、头像不同而已。那么对于很多备考的同学来说,可以大胆尝试用Essential 所对应部分的题目来备考。
(1)上面截图里关于advertising 的这个
(3)官方样题 Writing Practice Set 4 (和#2 这个很像,只是 Lena A 和 Claire 的回复有所不同)
(4)官方样题 Writing Practice Set 2
(5)官方Free Practice Test 里的题目
在7月正式改革前,官方肯定会提供更多的样题,加上TOEFL Essentials 部分的题目,考生完全无需担心没有题目可以练手。但是作为一个新题型,我们更为关心的可能是打分的尺度。下面就是我们的第二个部分
对于新题型Academic Discussion ,官方给出了满分(5分)的要求如下:
The response is a relevant and very clearly expressed contribution to the online discussion, and it demonstrates consistent facility in the use of language.
A typical response displays the following:
1.Relevant and well-elaborated explanations, exemplifications, and/or details
2.Effective use of a variety of syntactic structures and precise, idiomatic word choice
3.Almost no lexical or grammatical errors other than those expected from a competent writer writing under timed conditions (e.g., common typos or common misspellings or substitutions like there/their)
An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:
1.Effectively addresses the topic and task;
2.Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications and/ordetails
3.Displays unity, progression and coherence
4.Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors
其实大家认真阅读一下可以看出,基本上是一样的要求,只不过新题型没有独立写作关于organization 部分(包括unity, progression and coherence )的直接要求。其实也不能说coherence 这些类似一点都不考察,内容清楚、文章有逻辑结构,这也是写作时需要注意的。其实对比下来,新题型的要求在整体上其实和目前的独立写作还是差不多的。
这个满分示范来自于官方样题,对应上面“备考资料部分”的Writing Practice Set 4 (就是important invention 那个题目)
In the past 200 years, tons of scientific discoveries or technological inventions have been shown to the world. 【引入话题】If I had to choose one in particular it will probably be vaccine or antibiotics. 【表明态度】With Pasteur's work and discoveries, the world changed in a way people couldn't imagine. So many people were dying really young because at that time life's conditions were not as good as the one we have now. With vaccine, we could now irradicate diseases that were killing millions of people, we learn so much about the immune system and ways our body was reacting to pathogens and the answers he could produce to defend us against it. 【有vaccine or antibiotics前后的对比论证】 Medicine evolved so much and keeps evolving every day because scientists are curious to understand how our body is working and how he is able to communicate with our environment. 【vaccine or antibiotics 对于后来医药研究的帮助】People aged 40 are now not that old and still have a really long life to live and enjoy when 2 centuries ago it was synonymous of 80% chance of dying. 【vaccine or antibiotics 对于延长寿命的帮助】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.
I tend to believe that one’s job exerts influence on one’s happiness.In other words,whether you enjoy your job or not determines your happiness.Three reasons can be used to justify my opinion.
To begin with,a person’s happiness has something to do with(和…有关)his/her financial conditions and generally speaking,job decides a person’s economic conditions.So if you have a well-paid job,you are less likely to suffer from financial cares(财政忧虑).Although we are told that happiness has nothing to do with money,I still believe that without basic necessities,it is next to impossible for people to be really happy.Take many Chinese youngsters for example.A majority of young people aging from 18-30 are unhappy nowadays.The reason is simple:housing prices in nearly every city,large or small,are escalating(增长):ten years ago,100,000dollars could buy an apartment in Beijing.Now to buy the same apartment,you have to pay 500,000dollars.To rent a well-equipped apartment,you have to pay at least 500dollars,while the average salary in Beijing is 1000dollars.Rising housing prices,coupled with(和...一起)stagnant(停滞的)wages plague(困扰)youngsters and their parents.If those youngsters had a job which can bring them at least 50,000dollars a year,they would have the opportunity to rent or buy a decent apartment,therefore living a better life.
Second,happiness has a strong correlation with a sense of fulfillment(满足感).It is our job that produces most of our achievement.When we finish our work flawlessly(完美无瑕地),we are more likely to be happy,for the perfect work means a strong capacity that not everybody has.But messing up(把…弄糟)a work is definitely frustrating.It is true that social life can also have some impact on our happiness,but this effect is minimal and will not last for a long time.The reason is obvious:in our society,people evaluate a person by his/her ability to perform job-related tasks.A doctor will be excited with a complete recovery of his/her patient;a teacher feels perfect when his/her students achieve academic success.Nothing brings a person genuine(真正的)happiness than his/her job does.
Last but not least,it is your job that consumes much of your time.In this highly competitive modern society(高度竞争的现代社会),to maintain our competitive edge(保持竞争优势),we have to do our best.Spending 8 hours on one’s work is normal and most of us actually spend at least 10 hours on work on a daily basis(每天).If you love your work,then you are happy to get up early and enjoy the whole day,but if you hate your job,then the process would be a nightmare and you have to suffer.I consider myself happy because I choose my job and I enjoy the whole process.Even if I have to work overtime,I do not complain.But my sister is not so lucky.Despite the fact that her social life makes her happy,the happiness is transient(短暂的).When she goes back to work,she has to suffer.
From the discussion above,I firmly(坚定地)believe that a person’s happiness links with his/her job.A happy person is a person with a well-paid job,and at the same time,he/she does the job with passion and enthusiasm(热情).
2. 优质的教学质量,紧紧围绕课堂教学,优化教学过程,增强教学的有效性。
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